TBN returns to Africa

tbnafricaThe largest Faith and Family television network in the world, TBN, returns to Africa in March, says the network in a press release.

It is with great excitement that TBN returns to DStv channel 343 ons March 4, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the very best in local and international faith and family programmes, says TBN which comprises 30 television networks featured on over 5 000 television stations across 88 satellites, the Internet and thousands of cable systems around the world.

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The board of Trinity Broadcasting Networks International recently announced the re-launch of TBN back onto the MultiChoice platform following huge demand, over the last year, from viewers and programmers across South Africa and Africa, says TBN.

Matthew Crouch, Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting Networks International, said “This short period of not broadcasting TBN on DSTV in South Africa and Africa is unimaginable, due to the fact that the Lord placed a big vision for Africa in my father’s heart (the late Dr Paul Crouch Snr.), to begin a Christian broadcast centre in the old Ciskei back in 1986. TBN has always been part of the Christian fabric of Africa and as we re-launch TBN in March 2016, it will mark a significant 30 years for TBN of broadcasting the Gospel in Africa.”

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Matthew Crouch and Ps. Ray McCauley (Founder and Senior Pastor of Rhema Ministries and Rhema TV) met in early 2015 and entered into an agreement that would see the Kingdom of God impacted and expanded into its most exciting era for Christian media and Christian television in Africa. It was agreed that the best way to achieve this would be to unite efforts and have Rhema’s MultiChoice broadcast license cancelled and for TBN to obtain a new independent license with MultiChoice. TBN in Africa would therefore carry the Rhema TV content and be in relationship to help enable Christian ministry media development across South Africa and Africa.

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Although the TBN in Africa channel and operation will be entirely independent of all ministries and Christian organisations in regards to ownership, operations and leadership of the Network, it will work in close relationship with many South African and African ministries across many denominations to help develop new emerging ministries and create a platform for the very best in ministry and worship from the continent.

For more information please contact Lucky Mbiko at lucky@tbninafrica.org or Karin van Niekerk at karinVN@tbninafrica.org or on the website tbninafrica.org


  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Very good news!

  2. There has been such mixed and shallow and unbiblical teaching in much of the material in the past that I am not sure that I share the above statement. I have pastored for 45 years and have had to counsel so many people who have been left confused and devastated by some of the prosperity teachings et al

  3. Awesome….been waiting…Welcome Home.

  4. Very Excited

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