Tea and testimonies at Pretoria pregnancy crisis centre

Senior counsellors at Amato Pregnancy Crisis Centre (PHOTO: Facebook)

You are invited to a Garden Morning Tea event at Amato Pregnancy Crisis Centre at 787 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria from 10am to 12.30pm on Saturday, October 3, 2015.

“There will be testimonies [at the tea] that will stir your heart,” says Heila Chapman of Amato, which is a Christian based organisation that counsels vulnerable women who find themselves in a pregnancy crisis.

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She says: “Our aim is to make people aware of the services we are offering to those who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

“We will share testimonies from people who decided to parent instead of abortion, as well as somebody who will share her journey of healing and restoration after she had an abortion.

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“This is a Christian ministry and we believe when we have given all the information to a person, they will be able to make an  informed decision for her and the future of her child. But we also know that the Holy Spirit will keep on prompting God’s love and care for her.”

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Entrance to the Garden Tea event costs R80 per person or R50 for students. Guests should bring a chair or blanket to sit on and an article for the centre’s big jumble sale at the end of October.

RSVP Heila at 012 342 3452 (Monday to Thursday, office hours) or heila@amato.co.za. More information about Amato is available on the website: http://www.amato.co.za/ and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AmatoPCC

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