‘The Chosen’ releases pictures of scene of Jesus feeding the 5 000

Originally published in CBN News

The Chosen, the popular TV show that continues to captivate millions by offering a unique lens into the Gospel narrative, has been preparing to present a truly stunning moment: Jesus’ feeding of the 5 000.

The scene, filmed over four days on a new production site in Midlothian, Texas, includes 12 000 extras.

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These individuals — many of whom are fans of the show — came from all 50 states and from 36 countries and range in age from tiny babies to 91 years old.

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“The majority of the people here have made their own costumes. They’ve come at their own expense to be here,” Derral Eves, CEO and executive producer of The Chosentold KLTV-TV. “It’s really great to see the diversity of costumes and the diversity of people, and it’s just a blessing to see all the support.”

The massive undertaking is noteworthy, especially considering the logistics of coordinating so many actors in one location. The powerful scene is based on the narrative in Matthew 14:13-21, where readers see Jesus miraculously feed a crowd of 5 000 people with “only five loaves of bread and two fish.”

In the biblical passage, we see the disciples coming to Jesus and telling him to send crowds away. They warn that the time is getting late and people will need to find food.

But Christ replies: “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” The disciples then inform Jesus that they only have a handful of loaves and fish.

And that’s when the miracle unfolds. Matthew 14:18-21 reads: “Bring them here to me,” [Jesus] said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

The Chosen will present this stunning scene in season three of the show, and CBN’s Faithwire has a preview, through photos, of what it will look like.

Here are just five images from the filming, which has been underway on a massive Texas set:

PHOTOS: Courtesy of ‘The Chosen’/CBN News

These stunning images offer a lens into what viewers can expect as The Chosen marches toward its season three premiere.

Producers of The Chosen are now filming at the site of the Salvation Army Camp Hoblitzelle, where they have built a 2 788-square-metre soundstage. The sets include powerful recreations of biblical towns and scenes used throughout the show’s seven seasons.

The Chosen continues to inspire people around the globe, with the series being translated into 56 languages. Find out more here.

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  1. Kevin de Klerk

    !!Be WARNED!!
    the CHOSEN is FALSE and is suttle and deceptive and is been used by the Mormons to spread a FALSE JESUS and therefore a FALSE GOSPEL.

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