The Gospel at work at Mighty Men Namibia and on flight home — Angus Buchan

Mighty Men Desert Edition — Click on photo to enlarge
A letter from Angus Buchan — Originally published in

“To them, God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” — COLOSSIANS: 1:27 (NKJV)

“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” — Acts 17:6.

I have returned from Namibia. Just outside of the little town of Rehoboth, at the second desert Mighty Men Conference, we saw the power of God moving again.

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Boarding the aeroplane heading for Johannesburg, along with a number of my spiritual sons who had travelled with me to support the Namibian MMC, I was extremely tired as usual. I don’t normally get much sleep during these conferences due to the incredible responsibility, the power of God, the emotions and enormity of the crowds of men coming together — it is something I can’t put into words.

Angus Buchan speaks to men at Mighty Men Namibia last weekend.

So, I was seated quietly when Anesh, one of my sons, got up from his chair and came to me to say: “Dad, I want you to take my chair. I’ve got a seat at the emergency exit which will give you a lot more legroom”. I was reluctant, but he insisted so I moved to his seat.

There were three other spiritual sons seated around me. I closed my eyes, I could not sleep but just rested — then something happened which almost brought me to tears. These young men, all happily married, and fathers, were so full of the Holy Ghost that they were speaking to people around them about the love of God, about Jesus and about what had just taken place at the Mighty Men Conference.

A letter to Angus Buchan from a praying mom
A photo of Angus Buchan with a passenger on his flight back from Mighty Men Namibia. The letter below is from the passenger’s mother.

Good day Mr Angus

My daughter sent me this photo tonight to say you where on here flight yesterday or the day before.

I pray everyday for angle people from God to cross here path.(I do it in silince ?)

Not in a million years did I think that you are going to be one off them.

It just shows again that God works in misteriious ways and I am grateful that she met you.

I hope your eyes see this message and I did not tell her that I am going to sent this to you.

Please keep her in your prayers.


Aida vd Merwe

They shared about how they were told to be prophet, priest and king in their own home and how they were to love each other and repent. I thought “Lord, You are so gracious”. That Scripture: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”, was so relevant.

The next thing, the air hostess wanted to have photographs with us. I had to meet the pilots, who are godly men, and also get photographs with them too. I realised again how infectious and spontaneous the love of Christ is. It wasn’t a show or intended to impress anybody — these men were so full of the love of God. They had so much compassion for their fellow passengers that they could not help themselves, telling people about the love of Jesus and that they must be born again.

There was an Indian lady, from London, who had been to Namibia on a visit. She was an English teacher and a single lady. I don’t know what her faith was but she was completely overwhelmed by the loving way in which the men spoke to her. They told her that they would pray with her and told her that Jesus was the way. They were so loving, encouraging and sincerely concerned for her. As things will get darker around the world and oppression increases, so too will the love of Christ increase.

Life-saving encounters
Saying goodbye to Romie and Harold, the organisers of the Namibian Mighty Men Conference, before we boarded at the Windhoek airport, I was told about three men, who independently of each other, had come up to the committee after the conference to say that they were starting a new life. They had had the intention of taking their own lives after the conference, if God did not intervene. One man was planning to take his entire family with him — but Jesus, at the 11th hour as He always does, undertook for them.

We prayed for rain, first the spiritual rain then the physical rain and the power of God was so evident in those meetings.

We thank God for Jesus and for the fact that He is the Saviour of the ordinary man, woman and child. I will never forget this event, for as long as I live. I know without a doubt that the rain is coming to Namibia, to the Northern Cape and to that whole area, because God’s people have repented. They have prayed sincerely and asked for forgiveness for anything in their lives, that in some way may have held back the blessing of the Lord. “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” — Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)

As I write you this letter, I am so full of the love of Christ because I am reaping where I did not sow. I just thank God for these men, who are so full of the Holy Spirit. Just like it was after the upper room experience in Jerusalem, 2000 years ago, those gathered there went out to the highways and byways and the hedgerows. They spoke to, prayed for, saw miracles, signs and wonders happening to “whosoevers”.

I think of the beautiful scripture found in Romans: “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Christ and you believe in your heart that He has been raised from the dead you shall be saved.” — Romans 10:9 (NKJV) And that is exactly what happened this weekend.

God Bless,
Angus & Jill Buchan


  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Glory to God!!!

  2. Praise God,the Son and Holy Spirit for sinners coming to repentance,getting peace and joy ,telling others about JESUS .. Heavenly Father,bless dear Angus,and his prayer warriors Amen !!

  3. Suzette van Rooyen

    Angus Buchan is one of the most humble men I know. He extends himself 100% for each event that he speaks at and he is a living example of how a Christian should conduct their lives. Well done Angus!

    ANGUS…DONT SHRINK BACK,!! We stand with you for out poured rain and rivers in the desert See Isaiah 35

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