The Kanye awakening: Jesus is King — Johnny Enlow

Kanye West (PHOTO:

By Johnny Enlow — Originally published in

Undoubtedly the most unexpected and heartwarming story presently being played out on the front stage of culture is the spiritual awakening of Kanye West and its subsequent ripple effect of thousands upon thousands coming to Jesus.

In the midst of social upheavals all across the globe, and in a day where the corrupt “deep state” elements of the world are being taken down like never before, Kanye West continues to dominate the spotlight. It is totally unforeseen and unlikely – a complete God setup.

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Trump and Kanye now represent a “one-two punch” from Heaven, working strategically under the sovereignty of He who is King. These are two major trump cards Heaven is playing, and they will be joined by other major trump cards yet to be fully revealed and released.

Satan is cheating with the deck, but God has trump card after trump card ready to be played. God is telling a great story and we want to stay tuned to the wonder of it all. He will be bigger and brighter than this present darkness.

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Famous, wealthy and broken – But God!
I’d like to give a little bit of background on Kanye’s famous family, not out of any judgement or condemnation, but rather to bring attention to what God has done and is doing in and through them. Kanye West was already larger than life when he married Kim Kardashian and became a part of the Kardashian/Jenner clan. This family is without a doubt the most famous and perhaps the most broken family that has chosen to live in the public eye on the globe. Collectively, they have in the vicinity of a billion followers on social media. And they have at least a couple of billionaires among them.

Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe’s father was O.J. Simpson’s famous lawyer friend that became spotlighted during his trial for the murder of his wife Nicole. Kim’s mother is Kris Jenner who was married to Olympic star Bruce Jenner (who is now transgender, Caitlyn Jenner) with whom she had mega-famous daughters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

At one point, Robert Kardashian was in a relationship with Priscilla Presley (Elvis’ wife). He had two wives after Kris Jenner – as they divorced after she moved on to a professional soccer player. Kris has continued to make the news with her new relationships.

Kim Kardashian essentially became famous because of a leaked sex tape that she admitted took place while she was on ecstasy. She was also apparently on ecstasy when she first married at age 19 – in one of her previous, failed marriages. Kim was also in Playboy. She and her sisters have gained fame in life by being beautiful and by showcasing themselves to the world in seemingly every conceivable way.

I have honestly considered their family to be the most used and abused on the planet by Jezebel. Unusual heart-break and trials have abounded for them along with unusual fame and wealth. Even at their worst moments, when it would be easy to judge them, they have seemed to me more like victims than victimisers.

As many know, when we are broken and surviving trauma, we become vulnerable, enslaved to sin ourselves, and then become conduits of that same cycle of evil that is further perpetuated through our choices. Generally speaking, their lives have been consistently filled with trauma, sin and compromise on a very public stage, and until recently, Kanye West only seemed to fit in with the dysfunction of it all. But God.

Kanye West: the unlikely catalyst
Kanye West is, as sometimes self-reported, perhaps the most successful recording star ever. He has won 21 Grammys, had so many #1 hits and sold so many records (over 100 million) that it is almost impossible to keep up. He is truly a creative genius and has written and produced many hits for other top stars as well.

His work has often been controversial and he has often exhibited “Messianic” tendencies where one could wonder if he thought HE was the King. Now, suddenly, he has bowed his knee to Jesus and his “Jesus Is King” album has already set all kinds of new records. (If you haven’t heard it, be sure to. It’s truly amazing and I highly recommend it!) It is presently #1 in five different genres of music. Kanye also has many other very successful business ventures, particularly in shoes and clothes.

What in the world is going on? How does a man and family associated with so much sin and compromise now challenge all of us to a new level of committed service to the King as he passionately sings, “I am no longer my own!”?

Donda West: Mother of a great awakener
Over the last several days, the Lord has impressed upon me that Kanye’s deceased mom has a significant role in what is playing out before us. In 2007, Donda shockingly died the day after being under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Kanye was devastated. I believe they were unusually close and almost an extension of each other. She was only 58, and I believe that Kanye has had to wrestle with God over the big “WHY did God let this happen.”

I don’t know Kanye and I’ve never followed him closely, but I believe it has been a very intense process with God over her death and especially WHY God didn’t intervene. I don’t believe Kanye has received a satisfying answer to that question, yet he has seen that his life only makes sense when he chooses to bow to Jesus and declare Him King in every way possible. Some of the power propelling Kanye and his message today comes from the contradiction of declaring Him King even with the big “WHY” regarding his mom.

God has intimately seen his whole struggle and it pleases Him immensely to see Kanye’s surrender, despite that troubling question. Furthermore, I believe it greatly pleases his mom, who I have seen in vision incessantly talking to the Father about her boy. She has known for a long time that he was supposed to change the world in a positive way.

I read a quote from her that when Kanye was only 7 months old she looked in his eyes and saw this brilliance of God. She said, “I never imagined that I would be the mother of someone quite as unique as Kanye West, someone God had chosen to do something very special in the world.” She is now seeing the beginning of what she has always known about Kanye – he would do something special FOR GOD in the world.

In the uniqueness of God and the unusual way He speaks to me, if you take “KANYE W,” remove the Y and scramble the remaining letters, it becomes “WAKEN.” Once the Y is removed (the “WHY?”) and things get unscrambled, the nation and the world can now “WAKEN.”

Kanye’s family legacy
Kanye is singing a lot about family in his present music/rap and I believe he is a product not only of his mom’s relationship with God, but also his father, Ray, and grandfather, Portwood. His father was a Black Panther and then a Christian counsellor later in life. I saw that his heart of justice and compassion also beats through Kanye. Much of Kanye’s creative genius also comes from him. I then saw that his mom’s dad is a towering oak in Kanye’s life. Kanye’s strength and ability to stand alone comes from him. He was, I believe, a resolute man who carried a spirit of victory.

I have seen visions of him as a young boy and as a man with tears because of the injustice he saw and the racism he experienced. I saw a vision of the Father collecting his tears in a cup and pouring them out as an anointing on Kanye’s head. Kanye will be a part of seeing Heaven’s response to the cries of his grandfather. That man touched God’s heart in a special way.

Kanye is just a man, but he is another “David” for such a time as this. There are Goliaths to be slain and he is already addressing Jezebel in his music – the “Goliath” of Hollywood. I believe Kanye is a powerful picture of legacy – what it can look like when we do our part, cry out for our children to go beyond us as his parents did and – like Kanye appears to be doing with his own children – to bring them with him into his new adventures with God.

It is just beginning: Hollywood will become “Holy-wood”
Kanye’s example is going to unleash another 100 Kanyes, and “we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” The darkest place in the most challenged state of California is going to be the source of a great light. It is going to become unpopular in Hollywood to not be righteous. Studios will once again request Christian and Catholic boards for pre-approval of their movies. Studios that don’t adjust to this new wave of righteousness will suddenly disappear. The blackmailing and paedophiliac mafias of Hollywood are in the process of being dismantled. Insiders that repent and tell-all are coming out soon.

I see a big, golden broom over Hollywood sweeping out corruption and compromise, and it is going to be relentless. It seemed outrageous ten years ago when I first gave a prophetic word that Hollywood would become known as “Holy-wood.” Suddenly it is not so unimaginable.

Follow Kanye’s lead
In Kanye, as with many who are young in their faith, we have a man that could easily fail and fall. It is our privilege and responsibility to pray for him. He has been open in times past about anxiety and bipolar tendencies. Even in his new songs he asks God for strength, for he surely knows he needs it. I believe the Lord is going to be great in his story and allow him to be the catalytic “world blessing” he was always called to be.

His immediate impact on the Church right now is to call us up. There are enough arguments over the “grace message” and over what the Bible might consider permissible or not. How about we just upgrade our walk with God because He is King and worthy of that? How about drawing some “lines in the sand” against compromise, not for any other reason except that it is part of the reward He is due – because Jesus is King?

Ready or not, this passionate awakening to righteousness is going to be the spirit that new Believers of this era are going to walk in. It will be absolute surrender or nothing. This is the great awakening of our day.

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.Website:


  1. By his “fruit” we will know.

  2. Brigitte Barabas

    All glory to Christ our King. Let’s continuously pray for those in a position of leadership and influence who have been touched by the hand of God; that they may fearlessly walk in faith.

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