The peace of God — Angus Buchan


What a beautiful scripture in John 14:27. We are living in a world that is full of turmoil, and fear, and anger, and especially confusion. People are not knowing what to do, where to go and what’s going to happen the next day.

The Lord says to us very clearly: “Peace I leave with you; my (perfect) peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you, do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. (Let my perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.)

You and I need courage; we need to be able to think carefully. You see the devil’s purpose is to confuse us and with that confusion comes fear, and when a man is fearful, he does irrational things, he sells, he buys, he leaves, he comes, he does things on the spur of the moment because he has been hypnotized by the devil’s lies. Just like the little mouse when that snake comes up to him, that cobra –that little mouse can run much faster than that snake, but he becomes hypnotized by the eyes of the snake, and the snake just slides right up to him and consumes him. Do not allow that happen to you.

The way that you can prevent that from happening is by having good quiet times early every morning, reading the Word, praying without ceasing, singing hymns to the Lord and having fellowship with your fellow man. When we do that, then the peace of God impregnates our entire being and we become changed people. The world remains the same as it was before, but our vision has changed, we are no longer afraid, we are courageous, we are at peace and most of all we are full of the love and confidence that comes by spending time with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Jesus bless you at this time and may He peace just consume you completely.
Angus Buchan

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