The power of gratitude: unveiling the secret to prosperity and wholeness

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Be it South Africa, some other corner of Africa, or anywhere else around the globe, ingratitude is a universally recognized trait to detest. We, as humans, have traditional customs of saying ‘thank you’ or ‘much appreciated,’ very much ingrained in us, a practice ingrained in our cultural blueprints. Betwixt these simple acts of expressing our gratitude, lays a greater force that changes our world.

The Bible, in Hebrews 13:15, communicates a vibrantly distinct message. It signals the spiritual importance and necessity of expressing gratitude, stating, “By Him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His Name.”

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To truly comprehend the depth and value of gratitude, it is important to reflect upon a stirring narrative symbolizing the practice’s inherent transformative power.

In the story of Jesus and Ten Lepers, as unraveled in the Book of Luke 17:12-19, ten men afflicted with leprosy called out to Jesus, seeking mercy and healing. Responding to their plea, Jesus asked them to present themselves to the priests. As the men progressed towards the priests, they found themselves cleansed of their affliction. Interestingly, out of the ten men, only one returned to thank Jesus for their healing.

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This man, filled with gratitude, fell at the feet of Jesus, glorifying God for the miracle he received. Jesus praised the man’s act of giving thanks and rewarded him further with wholeness, restoring everything he had lost due to his former state of leprosy. The story endorses an essential life truth: giving thanks is not just about courtesy; it’s about an ever-flowing powerful force that brings bigger miracles into our lives.

This narrative implores us to examine our own lives. How often have we genuinely expressed gratitude for the divine goodness showered upon us? For the transforming experiences, we’ve had this year? How often do we remember to count our blessings and thank God? An attitude of gratitude, it seems, is what we need to nurture.

Let’s face this; we’ve all been through an exceptional year, one that has subjected us to several challenges and victories. Still, we have also been recipients of grace, joy, fortitude, and most importantly, the gift of life itself. 

As we step into another chapter of our lives, let us resolve to make gratitude a regular practice, cherishing divine goodness, love, kindness, mercy, and grace. We embark on this new journey recognizing and appreciating God for guiding, protecting, and blessing us with safety, health, victory, success, and prosperity—regardless of the odds that the past year pitched against us.

By maintaining an attitude of gratitude, and by offering true worship, we ‘infuse’ positivity not just into our own lives but extend it to those around us. For, as we express our gratitude, we welcome divine grace, provoke greater miracles, and invite God’s glory to manifest in all spheres of life.

As we conclude this message with a fervent, prophetic cry, “Dear heavenly Father, I worship You today from the bottom of my heart, for Your love, kindness, grace and tender mercies! You’re glorious and worthy to be praised; may Your Name be glorified forever in my life and in all the earth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

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