Thousands march for life in London

The march for life in London, United Kingdom.

Originally published in The Christian Institute

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of London to share a pro-life message.

The fifth annual UK March for Life reportedly attracted 4 000 supporters, with pro-lifers marching through Westminster.

The attendance is a record high for the event, which was held in the capital for the first time.

Roman Catholic Bishop John Keenan urged pro-lifers in attendance to continue taking a stand in public.

“You have no idea of the galvanising effect your courage will have if you stand up before the British media courageously, even under attack, and be pro-life. You’re setting the seeds of the next generation.”

“We will win this battle by truth, but we will win it even more by courage”, he added.

Clare McCullough of the Good Counsel Network and Rachel McKenzie of post-abortive support group Rachel’s Vineyard spoke at the event.

In total, there have been nearly 9 million abortions in Great Britain since the 1967 Abortion Act was passed.

Significantly, mothers who had been helped to choose life stood on the platform alongside their children.

On the other side of the world, over one million people marched for life across several countries in Latin America.

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In Peru, a reported 800 000 attended a pro-life march in the capital city of Lima, while in Colombia, 400 000 people took part in marches in 53 cities around the country.

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