Thousands of South African women are expected to join Christian women in 170 countries by participating in the Women’s World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 7.
Women from all the mainline churches, a number of independent churches, various schools and retirement centres, certain police stations and army units, and the Salvation Army, will observe the historic prayer day said Joa van Aarde, Secretary of the Women’s World Day of Prayer in SA.
She WWDP started in the USA in 1887 in response to concerns for immigrants and the aftermath of slavery and is held internationally on the first Friday of March. 2014 will be the 84th year that the day is observed in South Africa.
“It is difficult to determine whether it [the WWDP in SA] is growing, but we are definitely not experiencing a drop in participation. This year Radio Veritas, a Catholic radio station, is very involved and is organising a big prayer day in Berea, Johannesburg,” she said.
She said last year’s prayer day arranged by the Bojanala Women’s Association in Swartruggens was attended by about 2 000 women. This event has been broadcast live on Christian TV on a number of occasions, she said.
Each year the WWDP turns to a different country for a lesson that will challenge, inspire and encourage. This year, the women of Egypt have prepared a service with the theme Streams in the Desert t and women around the world will gather to learn more about the culture and heritage of Egypt — and to pray and act in solidarity with its people.
Egypt really needs our prayers as the troubles there have caused much suffering as churches were burnt,young girls kidnapped, & new converts threatened.
The Dutch Reformed Church in Umhlanga, 34 Herrwood Drive is hosting a Womens World Day pf Prayer in Afrikaans on Friday March 7th at half 18:30 for 19:00. Everybody wellcome. Call office on 031-5613191.
Dear Mss J. I would love to be updated about the programs. I want to know more about this prayer day, im a wife of a priest, n i want my church to grow in this prayer day