Three-day fast called for Mogoeng over attacks for Israel comments

Cover photo on the Facebook page Healing the Nation

Healing The Nation of Africa (HTNA) has called a three-day Esther fast for Chief Justice Mogoeng who it notes “has come under heavy attack for saying he prays for the peace of Jerusalem in line with his faith”,

“The attack is not aimed at silencing Chief Justice alone but at all South Africans who pray for the peace of Jerusalem, says HTNA, a prayer movement for the healing and restoration of Africa that is led by Mogoeng.

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The campaign has scheduled Zoom prayer meeting times at 6pm to 7pm (SA time) today (Wednesday) and tomorrow, and 3pm to 5pm on Friday. The Friday meeting is Africa-wide. The meeting ID is 922 044 323.

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Prayer points for the campaign can be downloaded here.


  1. I will be praying for the Chief Justice and SA.

  2. medupe Moloi

    All the evil spells and evil spirits spoken attacks against Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng return back to ANC Africa National Congress instantly now today let ANC African National Congress know touching anyone who is a firm believer in our Lord Yahshua Messiah, I Medupe Moloi declare and decree by authority and power I possess in my Lord Yahshua Messiah amen

  3. Hugh G Wetmore

    Psalm 122:6 urges us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” and this Jerusalem is marked by Justice (v5). Yes, we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem, based on God’s pre-requisite for peace: Justice and Righteousness (Isaiah 9:7). There can be no peace without Justice. Avoid any prayer for a superficial Peace that neglects Justice for the Jews and Palestinians. Pray that Israel will embrace their Messiah, and enjoy the Peace and Safety that Jesus will bring (Jeremiah 23:5,6). I sense some sincere Christians are prophesying “Peace to Jerusalem” when the citizens of Jerusalem/Israel continue to follow the stubbornness of their own hearts (Jeremiah the whole chapter 23 especially v17.). Jesus Himself yearned for Jerusalem to “recognise Him as their Messiah, who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 13:33-35). Let’s pray for such evangelistic fruit in Jerusalem/Israel, and not fall into the trap of praying for peace without Jesus and His justice!

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