Three months of revival prayer starting at crosses at Fountain Vineyard, PE on Sunday

Pastor Blessing Marunga praying at the three crosses

A campaign of three months of revival prayer from August 1 until October 31 will be launched at the three crosses on the Fountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship fields at 22 Newcombe Road Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth from 3pm to 4pm on Sunday.

The theme for the three months will be The Fervent Prayer of a United Church and local churches are asked to each come and pray at the crosses for an hour on one Saturday during the campaign, said the campaign visionary, Pastor Blessing Marunga.

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He said the participation by South Africans and people from other parts of the world in a revival prayer campaign he initiated over the same period last year had exceeded his expectations.

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“It was not my intention to have another three months but then I felt led in 2021 that we must pray as the united Church. When the Church prays together the people are united. So, I am saying, as the Church, let us arise, let us unite, so that the people of the nation can also be united,” he said.

“Why are we doing this? Because we know that the world revival is going to start from South Africa. And even though the devil may try with his different schemes to divert our attention, we know what God has spoken and we are taking hold of that Word and we are going to be on our knees for three months to pray for healing for South Africa, for unity, and for revival that has been spoken for many years that it will start in South Africa. And there are people who have been praying for more that 20 years expecting this revival,” said Blessing.

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Churches are asked to book their congregational Saturday afternoon slot (3pm to 4pm) as soon as possible with Blessing at 078 944 1391 or with Pastor Joan Keeling at 084 766 2270. [Congregations are welcome to come on as many Saturdays as they choose but are encouraged to at least commit to one afternoon in the 3 month period.

Individuals can join the campaign by WhatsApping “REVIVAL” to 078 944 1391. They will be sent more information and weekly prayer points.

“So, let us pray for the rebirth of South Africa, for healing and restoration, and for God’s purposes to prevail in South Africa because we know that the schemes of the devil are defeated in prayer,” said Blessing.

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