Through a biblical lens: navigating business in uncharted territories — Nomvuyo Xabela

On June 27 I attended a networking event aboard the Logos Hope ship and wrote a report that would lead to an unexpected opportunity. Moved by my article, a special lady and sister, Barbara Jaftha, blessed me with a complimentary ticket to a women’s business networking engagement, where she was one of the speakers.

Barbara, a transformation coach, has extensive experience in human development, but I know her to be a “marine evangelist”. Our connection began early this year through our shared weekly swimming routine in the cold Atlantic Ocean, where we discovered our common faith and began praying together for each other and our nation.

The event: One past, present and future
The choice of venue, Youngblood Gallery on Bree Street, was notable. Located in the heart of Cape Town, it is part of the city’s rich heritage. The Youngblood Foundation (NPC) is an arts and culture development platform that assists artists from all genres to become self-sustaining,

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Lucia Pollard, the host and founder of Lucia Pollard Photography & Events, opened the event with heartfelt reflections on her personal experiences during the apartheid era and its ongoing impact on South Africa’s economic landscape. With these events, one of her aims is to bridge social gaps. As I listened, I was reminded of Apostle E Kure’s 2016 prophecy over South Africa: “The past was not a mistake. It was God preparing for destiny.”

Top left, Lucia Pollard; top right, Olivier Andries (in white shirt) from Living Hope Ministries with Shanalene and Bridget; centre, Nomvuyo Xabela (Nhonho) and Barbara Jaftha; bottom, Bottom : Gugu Dlodlo

Living Hope Ministries
Among the introductions and business presentations, the most inspiring stories came from two ladies from Living Hope Ministries. These aspiring entrepreneurs shared their testimonies of overcoming drug abuse, with one having been clean for 12 years and the other for 2 months. One of them had even received a sponsorship for business coaching. Their stories highlighted the need and importance of coaching and mentorship for women in business.

Barbara Jaftha’s testimony
Barbara’s presentation took an unexpected turn when she openly shared her life story. She spoke of “losing her crown” when she became pregnant at 18 and then getting married and becoming a widow at 28. In her Fix Your Crown redemptive coaching series, she highlighted the following key points:
● Understanding you have a crown: meaning you are a queen
“Behold, I come quickly; hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” — Revelation 3:11
● Acknowledging a slipped crown: Recognising when your crown has tilted and fixing it.
● Signs of a misplaced crown:
– loss of confidence
– entrapment by fear
– losing your voice
– stagnation

Barbara emphasised that as we fix our crowns, regain our voices and recover from a place of shame, we need mentors to help us on our journeys, in order to lead from a place of wholeness; emotionally, spiritually, entrepreneurially,parentally, vocationally, financially, etc

Dr Linda Gobodo, who has mentored many African millionaires, echoed this sentiment at the 2023 Rwanda women’s conference, stating that Africa needs mentorship to unlock its redemptive gifts and lead with excellence, integrity, healing, and pragmatism.

Closing thoughts
Gugu Dlodlo graciously closed the session by highlighting the natural strategic advantages and strengths of women in business:
● The power of prayer and grace
● Nurturing an egoless leadership
● Adaptability and fexibility

This event was a profound reminder that through faith, mentorship, and embracing our redemptive gifts, we can navigate uncharted business territories and lead with integrity and purpose.

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