Time of refreshing, restoring relationships for Christian teachers

Organisers of the upcoming National Christian Teachers’ Convention (NCTC) in Bloemfontein believe that God wants to do something significant in the area of refreshing and restoring relationships.

“We really feel that the Lord wants to touch and restore every aspect of a teacher’s relationships — in the prayer room with the Lord and him/herself, in the classroom, in the staffroom and in the community,” says NCTC secretary Karen Erasmus.

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Christian principals and teachers from public and private schools throughout Southern Africa are eligible to attend the convention at the Oranjemeisiesskool, Bloemfontein from September 29 to October 1.

Erasmus says the main speakers, Dr Jannie Compion, Director of the Foundation of Cross Cultural Education (FCE), and Felix Muchimba, a former teacher and current principal and team leader of the GLO Discipleship Training Centre in Zambia, are spending time in prayer to hear God’s heart for the subjects to be addressed at the convention.

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Compion will be examining and highlighting the dangers of operating from a position of religion rather than relationship with Jesus. From his years of experience and training in the mission field he will also give valuable insights on how to serve the parents of learners and the community in a way that glorifies the Father in everything.

Muchimba will focus on each person’s relationship with himself and herself and the need for a restored soul in order for people to operate in the Lord’s personal plan for their lives.

“Felix is also going to challenge you to love your colleague as you love yourself, and also how to touch the hearts of learners, enabling them to make Kingdom based choices,” says Erasmus.

Dr Thinus Dreeckmeier will share his passion for living from a Biblical perspective and having a Biblical  worldview. He will present a stimulating and practical session on how teachers can use their subjects to reveal God’s heart to their learners.

“We have managed to enlist 14 skilled, spirit filled workshop presenters who will present highly stimulating and practical sessions every day,” says Erasmus.

Workshop presenters include:

Dr Craig Murison, founding principal of Mackay Christian College in Australia. He will present two workshops: one about right relationships in classroom management and one on providential leadership.

Colleen Martin , founder and director of Teachers in Christ. Her topic “Are you a goldsmith or a perfume maker”, is designed to take educators’ thought patterns to a different level

Sifiso Mabena, leader of the National Chaplaincy Programme. He will give practical, Biblical insight on how to present the Gospel in the secular school context.

Elsa Coetzee from the Dinaledi Project, which works with childhood practitioners in the townships. She will present a workshop on how to be a New Covenant Teacher. 

David Nefdt, Director or the Uniting Christian Students’ Association. He will give valuable information on Biblical principles that should govern relationships against a background of global trends impacting interpersonal relationships.

Registration forms are available on the NCTC website. Intercape Bus Services has sponsored the convention with a number of half price bus tickets to assist delegates with travelling costs. The conference fee is R1 200 (including accommodation) and R825 (own accommodation). Erasmus says there is also still limited exhibition space available at the convention. She says anybody wanting further information should call her at 023-231 0208.

One Comment

  1. I hope each teacher who reads this will listen to the Holy Spirit and attend

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