Time2Rise speakers urge SA Church to take bold stand against agenda of devil

Worshiping Jesus in the rain at the Time2Rise gathering at Camp Unity near Bloemfontein on Saturday. A few hundred belivers from all over South Africa attended the event from Friday September 27 to Sunday 29 (PHOTO: Charlene Jonker)

“Come out of your tents”, “Come out of your comfort zone”, “Take your seat at the table.” Speaker after speaker at a national Time2Rise gathering at the weekend called for a “remnant” from the Church to rise up and take a bold and forceful stand for God’s agenda for South Africa and against the agenda of the devil.

As if talking from the same script, nearly 10 speakers at the event at Camp Unity near Bloemfontein, shared what they sensed the Holy Spirit has in mind for South Africa and Africa at this time.

Pastor John Mathuhle addresses the gathering (PHOTO: Charlene Jonker)

“God is preparing Africa for the End-Time revival,” said Pastor John Mathuhle, leader of #Hope4SA.

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Referring to Psalm 2, which speaks of nations conspiring in vain against God’s order in the world, he said it is vital for believers to know and oppose the agenda of the enemy.

“I have seen the Church fall into the trap of advancing the agenda of the enemy because of the lack of the spirit of discernment and understanding the times,” he said.

Mathuhle said that in this season the plans of the enemy are out in the open. This agenda includes – from the West – humanistic ideas that remove God from society and focus on “ME” – and a “dangerous woke- culture agenda” that is being pushed by globalist organisations and which is infiltrating churches.

From the East. the conspiracy against God and His people comes in the form of communism and socialism. And from the Middle East there is an extreme Islamic agenda that is affecting the world. Even the Church is deceived and divided by a narrative that falsely presents this demonic conspiracy as human rights. Closer to home, a noble call made in recent years for an “African renaissance” has been used by God’s enemies to promote a resurgence of African spirituality, said Mathuhle.

“Worship fire” in the cold weather (PHOTO: Charlene Jonker)

He warned that the Church today is like the state of the religious leaders described in in Judges 9: 8-15, which talks of the righteous trees who were anointed to transform society refusing the call to be involved in politics and human affairs – and allowing the thornbush – representing God’s enemies – to influence the culture.

“The Church must move back into the position that God has given us. We’ve got so much power and influence to change communities and to change the world,” he said. 

He said that as Psalm 2 says, God laughs at the enemy’s attempts to dismantle his plans. God is on the move in South Africa, he said. 

If we, the Church, do not align with God’s agenda to advance the dominion of Jesus, because we are slumbering while there is a battle being waged against God or we are fearful to leave our comfort, he will use others.

Zane Meas urges believers to oppose ungodly agendas and pursue revival (PHOTO: Charlene Jonker)

“We’ve got to be more forceful. We’ve got to stand up for what we believe and not just let people walk over us with their ideologies,” echoed Zane Meas, another of the speakers at the Time2Rise weekend.

Teaching from various Bible passages he made a prophetic call for the Church to pursue a breakthrough for the nation birthed out of praise.

Another speaker, Dr Pearl Kupe spoke of a time when she was part of a group of 95 church leaders at a meeting with the Department of Education concerning its ungodly Comprehensive Sexuality Education agenda. She said 90 of those leaders betrayed their responsibility to resist that agenda.

Dr Pearl Kupe motivates “the remnant” (PHOTO: Charlene Jonker)

She said that at the time God reminded her of how he had whittled down Gideon’s massive army to just 300 men who had the right heart to go to war against the enemy.

She said God is calling out a remnant in South Africa who will not compromise, and who will serve the nation boldly and competently according to their gifts.

Bafana Modise, spokesman for South Africa Friends of Israel, called on the Church to stop trying to be politically correct and to be biblically correct – standing with Israel.

Wrapping up the event on Sunday, Dr Arno van Niekerk, a Time2Rise vision bearer, said God is raising a prayer army necessary to back up the Body of Christ to stand up in unity and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in resisting the schemes of the enemy and advancing the Kingdom of God.

Time2Rise vision bearer Dr Arno van Niekerk

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One Comment

  1. Amen from Kisangani in the northeastern DR Congo. If the Church in Africa, since Ethiopia, does not pick Africa up and hold Africa up in Kingdom preparation for the Second Coming and True Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who else would? Lest be found wanting and at the wrong end of the Iron Sceptre rule of Jesus Christ!

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