Top TV porn channels decision outrage


‘Day of shame for SA’, ‘Victory for evil’, say critics

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) has approved Top TV’s application to launch three pornographic channels, provoking shock and dismay from Christian organisations that campaigned against the broadcaster’s porn plans.

Announcing its decision to licence Top TV to broadcast porn during the “watershed period”  (from 20:00 to 5:00), Icasa said there is no law in SA against screening pornography other than a law against producing and distributing child pornography. In a media release Icasa says that during an extensive public consultation process those who objected to Top TV’s application did so on moral grounds rather than by providing conclusive evidence linking pornography to gender-based violence.

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Icasa’s decision, which Top TV has hailed as a victory for democracy and freedom of choice, is an about-turn: in 2011 the regulator turned down Top TV’s porn application on the grounds that the protection of the dignity of women trumps Top TV’s right to freedom of expression. Top TV which is under judicial management hopes that porn will help to end its financial woes.

Dr Izak Burger, President of the Apostolic Faith Mission, says Icasa’s decision is not a “victory for democracy” but a victory for evil. He says their about-turn raises serious questions about their consistency and integrity.  He says it does not make sense that the government makes laws against public smoking but fails to protect women and children from the harm of pornography which is potentially greater than that of secondary smoke.

Instead of partnering with the church in the moral regeneration of our country, they [the government] have sided with the destructive anti-family agenda,” says Burger.

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Commenting on the broadcasting regulator’s change of stance on the satellite broadcaster’s porn plans, Errol Naidoo, director of the Family Policy Institute (FPI), says: “Apparently, Icasa no longer considers the dignity and safety of women a national priority.”

It is “South Africa’s national day of shame” he says in a media release about Icasa’s decision to give a green light to porn on tv.

“The broadcasting authority also dismissed the excellent and well researched submissions of several organisations including FPI’s on the basis ‘that is was a moral argument’,” says Naidoo.

Both Burger and Naidoo call on Top TV subscribers to immediately cancel their subscriptions.

The Christian Action Network (CAN) says it is  “appalled” at Icasa’s decision which it says flies in the face of its Constitutional obligations to regulate broadcasting in the public interest.

Top TV says it will broadcast the channels Playboy TV, Desire TV and Private Spice as a separate monthly package to subscribers requiring age verification and other security features, such as a secure pin code.

Here are the full responses of outraged Christian critics to Icasa’s porn decision:

Dr Izak Burger
Dr Izak Burger

Dr Izak Burger — Apostolic Faith Mission

ICASA’s approval of Top TV’s three pornographic channel’s, is not “a victory for democracy”, as stated by Top TV, but a victory for evil. The Apostolic Faith Mission of SA unequivocally opposes the decision of ICASA.

We consider ICASA’s about turn strange especially in view of their refusal of the same application less than two years ago on the basis “of the protection of the dignity of women.” ICASA’s disgraceful decision raises serious questions about their consistency and integrity.

Christians needn’t have to defend God. We however have a responsibility to protect potential victims – especially children – (not that adults are immune to this).We fail to understand how government can legislate strict laws against public smoking -to protect non-smokers and particularly children– but fail to protect women and children from the harm of pornography – which is potentially more soul-destroying than secondary smoke.

It is absurd that government promotes the moral regeneration of society while simultaneously providing greater access to hard-core pornography. By doing this, the authorities blatantly contradict the values of the vast majority of citizens. Instead of partnering with the church in the moral regeneration of our country, they have sided with the destructive anti-family agenda.

The argument that the constitution guarantees freedom of expression does not minimise the devastating effects of pornography to the spirit and soul of average human beings. Not all who view pornography become rapists, but the facts are, many rapists and peadophiles consumed pornography before committing their evil deeds.

There is overwhelming evidence that men become enslaved to pornography. Their interaction with others are negatively affected and their addiction becomes a strong motivation towards sexual abuse.

We agree that most people have access to pornography via the internet and even on mobile phones. However, the official approval of pornography on TV emphasises the downward moral spiral of this country. It is ironic that many proponents of freedom of choice will object to the pollution of the environment but ignore and even support the blatant pollution of the minds of men, women and children.

We therefore call on all subscribers of Top TV to immediately cancel their subscriptions as a sign of protest and objection. We furthermore urge Christian citizens to sincerely pray and witness against this tragic development in our nation.

Errol Naidoo.

Family Policy Insitute — Errol Naidoo

In what can only be described as South Africa’s national day of shame, the Independent Communications Authority of SA (ICASA) granted Top TV a license to freely pollute the nation.
In 2011, ICASA refused Top TV a license to launch three hard-core porn channels in SA on the grounds that “the protection of the dignity of women trumps Top TV’s right to freedom of expression.”

Apparently, ICASA no longer considers the dignity and safety of women a national priority.

The broadcasting authority also dismissed the excellent and well researched submissions of several organisations including FPI’s on the basis “that is was a moral argument.”

ICASA appears to be parroting Top TV’s assertion that “there are no links between pornography and violence against women.” Tell that to Ted Bundy, the porn addicted serial killer who raped and murdered more than 40 women in the US in the 70’s. Bundy was executed for his heinous crimes.

Top TV is now free to launch their three hard-core pornographic channels in SA despite the nation reeling against some of the highest rates of sexual violence against women & children in the world.

Media reports reveal, Top TV failed as a result of inept management and bad business practises. They therefore turned to pornography as a form of business rescue.

The SA Government backed Industrial Development Corporation(IDC) is a major investor in Top TV. If the pay channel fails the IDC stands to lose millions.

The question that must asked is this, “Was ICASA politically pressured to grant Top TV a license in the hope it will rescue the ailing business and thereby protect the IDC’s significant investment?”

COSATU’s Zwelinzima Vavi – who also serves on the IDC board –publically condemned Top TV’s porn plans on 14 Feb. The union also threatened to disinvest in Top TV in 2011 for the same reason.

However, there has been no opposition from COSATU this time round. This can only be attributed to political interference. And the SA public will ultimately pay the price for political expediency.

Family Policy Institute will intensify its public campaign against Top TV. We urge all Pastors in SA to encourage their members to urgently cancel their subscriptions with Top TV.

Essentially, any payments made to Top TV will help sustain their porn channel platform. The porn channels on its own cannot sustain the business. They need the support regular subscribers.

Please get the message to family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues and fellow congregants.

Pornography channels in SA are a major threat to marriage and families. Men become addicted, women are demeaned and degraded and children’s minds are forever polluted with perversion.

As the Body of Christ, you and I cannot simply shrug our shoulders and accept the status quo. We must fight the good fight of faith and vigorously oppose what is destructive and evil in society.

Top TV has declared this a “victory for democracy.” There is no victory when men are reduced to slaves of their lusts and women are portrayed as mindless sex objects.

Please pray that God will intervene in this situation. Your prayers & actions are critical at this time.


Taryn Hodgson.
Taryn Hodgson.

Christian Action Network — Taryn Hodgson

The Christian Action Network is appalled that ICASA has granted TOP TV a licence to broadcast 3 porn channels on their bouquet. Not only does this fly in the face of ICASA’s Constitutional obligations to “regulate broadcasting in the public interest” (Section 192 of SA Constitution), and the paramount Constitutional rights of children to be protected from harm, but it means that that ICASA has totally ignored the right of women to dignity and equality.

 Furthermore, it appears that hundreds of submissions sent in by members of the public and experts such as Doctors for Life, citing research on the harmful effects of pornography have been ignored.

 “This decision by ICASA confirms yet again that South Africa has become a banana republic where supposedly independent regulatory bodies do as they please with no regard for public safety or interest,” says Taryn Hodgson, International Co-ordinator of the Christian Action Network.

Pornography discriminates against the rights of women to dignity, equality and protection from hate speech. Pornography often depicts women in degrading, humiliating ways and as sex objects – existing only for men’s sexual pleasure. Women are also often called derogatory names and subject to violent acts.

“In no way would these porn channels be ‘in the public interest,’” says Hodgson. “Porn channels with pin codes and so-called locking devices would present very little challenge to an increasingly ‘tech savvy’ computer generation.”

 “We have reports from Safeline and the Teddybear Clinic who counselled children who watched porn films screened on E-TV. Some of these children even sexually abused other children as a result.”

 “We shudder to think of the women and kids who will be abused because their husband/Dad got addicted to watching porn on TOP TV.”

 “Pornography is as addictive and destructive as hard-core drugs. Hard-core drugs are illegal, porn should be too.”

The Film and Publication Amendment Act, 2009 prohibits the distribution/broadcasting of hard-core pornography (films classified X18) on public platforms; and makes it very clear that such films should only be distributed via licensed Adult Shops.

The BCCSA Code has also been ignored. The Broadcasting Complaints Commission Code published in 2011 allows the broadcast of sexually explicit material, except for “explicit sexual conduct”(X18) and XX material (child abuse images, incest, rape, bestiality, “explicit sexual conduct which violates or shows disrespect for the right to dignity of any person”, “explicit infliction of sexual or domestic violence” and “explicit sexual conduct which constitutes incitement of, or promotes harmful behaviour”).

Whilst the BCCSA is a self-regulating body, the Code should have at least informed ICASA’s decision.

International Protocol obligations have also been ignored by ICASA. International Protocols such as The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) of 1979 ratified by SA in 1995, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol), ratified in 2005 and the UN Beijing Declaration of 1995 uphold the dignity of women.

Article 5 of CEDAW says “State Parties shall take all appropriate measures… To modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices… and all other practices which are based on…stereotyped roles for men and women.”

The African Charter not only gives recognition to a woman’s right to dignity but also obliges state parties to adopt and implement measures to ensure the protection of every woman’s right to respect for dignity. Article 12(b) says “State parties must eliminate all stereotypes in…the media that perpetuate such discrimination.” Article 13(m) says “States Parties shall take effective legislative and administrative measures to prevent the exploitation and abuse of women in advertising and pornography.”

The Beijing Declaration says in Article 24, “state parties should take all necessary measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women.”

“We therefore believe that in the light of the harmful effects of pornography, the above international obligations, legislation cited and Broadcasting Code obligations, the license granted to TOP TV is illegal, discriminatory, and beyond appalling,” says Hodgson.




  1. The works of the devil. God will burn him with fire one great day

  2. So called freedom does not give one the right to corrucpt the innocent – forgive them Lord for they know not what they do

  3. God slaap nie. Hy het Sy rug gekeer op die land(cut of from God)met so `n onheilige land kan ons nie seen verwag nie, its the time to rise up! 1mil christens on march to the Unionbuildings will turn the tide of evil.

  4. The issuing of this licence is utterly despicable, what a shame has come upon this nation of ours, what a shame. Its a sad day for all of us.

  5. What a shame for SA as the government leaders are calling for a new morality on the one hand but allowing a porn station to broadcast this degrading sensually explicit material. This is going to cause more abuse of women and girls and deepen the moral decay of our nation. It is time to really stand against such programs. Disgraceful and shame on you SA government.

  6. Well that just prooves that we have to have not just a tiny refreshing,but a full scale nation wide Revival that will sweep away immorality etc and usher in a new era of God’s prescence and rule,and sweep millions out of the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God!! hallelulia!! Derek Gohl

  7. The Bible shows us that immorality and idolatry go together, and in the New Testament greed is equated with idolatry. Perhaps the approval of the licence is an indication of how far we have slipped by putting the love of money above love for the Lord.

  8. When I think of grown men raping babies and women and even out of their perverse desires, even men, I just cant understand how our Government can allow this. They will be accountable for every misdeed following this decision. I pray that the Lord will prevent this but we also know that the Bible says that people will become lovers of self, corrupt and evil. Now we see this in our country.

  9. With reference to ICASA press release, exactly when did objecting to something on Moral grounds become grounds to ignore the complaint? No wonder we suffer from such high levels of corruption and fraud in our beautiful country. Rightly we call for for subscribers to withdraw their subscription. However, I also want to appeal to the undoubtedly talented people who work for Top TV, (Now there’s a misuse of the word “Top”. It should better be described as “bottom” TV) to evaluate where they stand. What do you do when you are asked to do something that makes you uncomfortable? For the Christians especially, do you believe you have to compromise the principles of God, to maintain the blessings of God? Resign for goodness sake and see what God will do!

    • Mike, It’s the same as when I tried arguing, in connection with the condom campaign back in the 1990s, that marriage should be taught to children as the proper context for sexual relations. I was told that that was “moralistic” and therefore inappropriate! Morals are considered so old-fashioned. By contrast, moral relativism has no moral yardstick.

  10. Margaret Ferguson

    We need to come into corporate repentance for the sins of the nation as unfortunately there are those in the church who are tainted by the sins outside the church and porn will be one of them. I trained in working with released sex offenders in the community in UK and the ‘triggers’ for abusing women and children are very individual and varied but porn will certainly be a contributory factor for some offenders.

  11. Kobus Prinsloo

    Both child porn and adult porn are unacceptable. Sex is not a commercial product. It is a gift from God in marraige. Top TV will not be sucsessful if they want to use porn as a financial rescue. THEY WILL GO DOWN. GOD IS ALMIGHTY!!

  12. Rev Ian Karshagen

    Ephesians 5:5-6 stands as a warning. Children of God, our Lord knows the hearts of men and He will have the last say. Praise the Lord!

  13. I am a bit late on commenting,but what can be done about this?Has anybody got a plan of action,besides prayer of course?
    TopTV depends on advertising revenue and paid subscriptions. This is where the plan of action should concentrate.

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