Top TV planning porn for Christmas?

TopTV will further offend Christians in South Africa if it goes ahead with a reported plan to launch three hardcore porn channels by Christmas.

Entertainment news service Channel 24 reports that TopTV senior manager of regulatory affairs, Thato Mahapa, believes the pay service already has the right to launch the proposed Playboy channels despite the fact that it does not have a certificate from the Independent Communications Authority of SA (ICASA) authorising the launch of  any new channels. In a conflicting report TopTV’s spokesperson Melinda Connor told Channel 24: “We can confirm that we’ll not be launching in December. We will announce the launch date closer to the time.”

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Prior to its launch last year, TOP CEO Vino Govender said: ”We are running our business with strong Christian ethical codes and we are not planning to introduce a porn channel. Besides, we don’t want to poison the minds of millions of SA children out there.”

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Last week, Family Policy Institute director Errol Naidoo called for a boycott of TopTV because of its porn plans. He said pornography was proven to cause harm to men, women and children and exacerbated the serious rape problem in South Africa.


  1. We need all the signatures to stop anymore woman, man and child abuse in our country. We have enough paediophile walking the street.

  2. No no no !! We don’t want porn on the TV – actually there’s enough on already !! I would endorse NOT having a hard-core porn channel !!! What would Jesus say ????? Yikes

  3. Please go and sign the Petition We need to stand together as one on this topic.

  4. Let us stand together on this and protect our nation. It will not happen, in Jesus’ name. Let us act saints

  5. thando t nolutshungu

    no no and no in Jesus name, we say no to this pron thing.

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