Two priests arrested after going inside clinic to save babies from abortion

Originally published in Life News

Two Catholic priests were arrested last Saturday inside an abortion facility in New Jersey in the United States during a non-violent demonstration to save unborn babies from abortion.

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Police arrested four pro-life advocates during the Red Rose Rescue: Father Fidelis Moscinski, Father Dave Nix, William Goodman and another unnamed individual, according to the pro-life group organising the effort. The demonstration took place on Saturday morning at the Garden State Gynecology, an abortion facility in Morristown, New Jersey.

The Red Rose Rescue involves pro-life advocates peacefully entering an abortion facility and offering information and encouragement to the women inside. Some pro-life advocates refuse to leave the facility until forced to do so by law enforcement. They believe that refusing to leave is an act of solidarity with the unborn babies who are scheduled to be killed by abortionists.

“The rescuers, like any others who recognise an urgent situation, responded to dire circumstances of imminent peril in a spirit of intervention on behalf of innocent babies and beleaguered mothers,” the pro-life group said in a statement. It also referred to Proverbs 24:11, which states: “Rescue those who are being led away to death.”

On Saturday, the four pro-life advocates entered the abortion facility to provide information about pregnancy resources and encouragement to the mothers inside, according to the group. They gave each mother a red rose with a card attached. On it was the message: “You were made to love and to be loved… your goodness is greater than the difficulties of your situation. Circumstances in life change. A new life, however tiny, brings the promise of unrepeatable joy.” It also included the phone numbers of local pregnancy help centres.

When police officers arrived, some of the pro-life advocates were talking with women, while others were praying quietly and singing hymns, according to the pro-life group.

The Morris News Bee reports no one was injured, and local police did not use force to arrest the pro-life advocates inside. Police charged the two priests and other two pro-life advocates with trespassing.

The report indicates about a dozen other pro-lifers stood outside witnessing to women as they entered the facility.

“The Red Rose Rescue is an act of charity for women who feel for whatever reason they must have their innocent unborn children killed,” Lisa Hart, speaking on behalf of the pro-life rescuers. “Those who took part were willing to embrace risks for these women and their babies.”

Hart said their purpose is to encourage mothers to choose life for their unborn babies, and, for those who do not, to stand in solidarity with unborn babies as they are being aborted.

“The Red Rose Rescue is an action of going into the dark holes of the poor — namely abortion clinics where the innocent are rejected — and in these dark holes we seek to bring hope, true peace and the presence of God,” she said.

There have been more than a dozen similar demonstrations in the United States since 2017, according to the pro-life group. In June, four pro-life advocates were arrested at an abortion facility in Michigan after another Red Rose Rescue.

One Comment

  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Yes, the murderers get away with murder (inside the mother’s womb) and the pro-Life activists get arrested!

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