United prayer for SA on February 26


Prayer initiative Up4SA — with the support of South African prayer networks — is once again calling on Christian communities throughout the country to join in prayer for an hour on Sunday February 26 2017.

“We boldly trust for an even greater eagerness by Christians all across our nation to engage and be part of Up4SA 2017. During Up4SA 2016, we had more than 170 registered prayer points and I am excited to see how that number is going to grow,” says national coordinator Robbie Black.

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He urges people to volunteer as community coordinators in their areas, to host prayer gatherings for any hour between 2pm and 6pm.

UP4SA invites community coordinators to send a one paragraph declaration (your prayer/heart) for South Africa via email or to post it to its Facebook page. A combination of all declarations received will be set in a pre-recorded audio file of Angun Buchan’s voice, to be played and declared out loud by all present at each venue. Five pre-recorded songs will also be made available to each venue. The songs will be by Joe Niemand, Loyiso Bala, Katlego Maboe, Dewald Gouws and New Beginnings Care Centre Group.

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Every community leader that volunteers will receive a resource pack and will be empowered to coordinate the prayer point.

Some of the critical areas to be covered in prayer are: Moments of thanksgiving for God’s Love and Grace; Acknowledge that Jesus is our only hope for South Africa – we turn back to God; Revival; Government; The Church – Body of Christ; Institution of Family. Drought; Economy and Education.

To volunteer contact admin@up4sa.co.za or call 072 083 1371. More information is available at www.up4sa.co.za
or Facebook.com/up4sa,



  1. this is God’s heart for the Christians in South Africa to unite and to come together to worship Him and seek Him as one body.What a wonderful opportunity and the way it has been organized has made it so easy to draw believers of all denominations together. don’t miss this prayer time on Sunday 26th, it is so special.

  2. Wil graag Sond saam bid kry geen gebeds punt in Bloem

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