United we stand, divided we fall

Defending family, faith and freedom

The heart-rending interview I conducted with three ex-prostitutes at Victory Outreach Ministries in Cape Town again revealed the awesome redemptive power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Their harrowing tales of exploitation and inhuman abuse each ended with a powerful testimony of what God can do through obedient vessels willing to extend His love to the most downtrodden.

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What also became apparent while listening to their horrifying experiences is the extent of the deception and misinformation promoted by pro-prostitution groups via the liberal media.

The first part of  “Watchmen on the Wall’s” two-part program on Prostitution in SA aired on Tuesday (October 9) on TBN Africa – Dstv channel 341 at 7pm. You can listed to the second part on October 16.

What is also deeply concerning is the lengths homosexual activists are prepared to go, to shut down debate. During my interview with an ex-homosexual who runs a ministry to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions – I was shocked to learn of the attacks against him.

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Homosexual activists have attempted to shut down his ministry even though he assists people who voluntarily seek his help. This man suffered abuse and intimidation for simply helping people.

Remarkably, however, homosexual activists are most vocal about tolerance, equality and freedom of choice. Apparently, these virtues do not apply to those who disagree with their lifestyles.

Therapy for people struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions are now being outlawed in the UK and the US. That means, those wanting to change cannot! Their freedom of choice is denied.

The agenda to mainstream the homosexual lifestyle has taken a bizarre twist with the Department of Arts and Culture approving the “gay flag” as a legitimate symbol of homosexuality in SA.

Precisely why homosexuals need their own flag was not explained by the government department.

Homosexual activists have also made their intentions clear with their call for the introduction of “Hate Crimes” legislation. Hate Crimes laws will be used to criminalise any opposition to the homosexual lifestyle. Their primary target is the Biblical condemnation of homosexuality.

But despite the growing intimidation and undemocratic tactics of homosexual activists to silence criticism of their lifestyles – the Church of Christ has remained silent and unmoved.

The “Watchmen on the Wall” programme on the “Erosion of Christian Beliefs and Values” is scheduled for early November. Please make sure you tune in to stay informed and equipped with the truth.

There are encouraging signs that Family Policy Institute’s call for the amendment of legislation to prohibit pornography on television and the internet – is gaining momentum.

I met with and interviewed the Minister of Communications, Ms Dina Pule recently regarding the introduction of legislation that protects children from exposure to online pornography and on TV.

The Minister agreed that children deserved better protection and committed to meet with me and the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Ms Fatima Chohan to discuss ways to proceed with legislation.

Please continue to pray for our efforts to defend the family and promote Biblical values in society.

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