Unity through Mighty Men Western Cape!

A letter from the Chairman of  MMC WC 2015

My dearest Brothers and Sisters.

I greet you all in the Mighty name of our Lord and ‘only’ Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Piperjames Mc Gowan (Pipey), Chairman of MMC WC 2015.

As the Mighty Men Conference of the Western Cape approaches, Friday 25th – 27th of Sep 2015 we will start to prepare to meet at Moreson Farm (N7) Malmesbury. From there we will be part of a world re-birth of Revival for Jesus Christ. My friends, there really is no time like the present to be ‘united’ in the love of and for Jesus Christ.

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The world is a fast and furious place and prophecies of the Bible are coming to fruition. If ‘un-elect’ in what is happening in the world, you will be met with all kinds of problems and confusion. Being ‘elect’ will enable you to understand what is going on and be prepared for it ‘spiritually’ speaking. MMC WC brings a core message to men to stand firm in God and be the Prophet Priest and King in his (the Mighty Man’s) own home. On the open plains of Malmesbury at Mighty Men you will get the food that will allow you to be all these things.

MMC WC not only brings ‘unity’ but also help for the broken, lost, addicted and afflicted. MMC WC reaches out to all people whether or not they are walking with the Lord, are looking for Him or are active ‘Kingdom Workers’, no matter who they are, what colour their skin is, what they do for a living, or what position they might hold in society.

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We also accept that MMC.WC is not the ‘be all and end all’. But what we certainly do, is ‘march united’ and ever onwards, no matter what, and as long as it is all to the Glory of God! We don’t just gather every few months and then go home again. We actually do what we say we will do. It’s not about us, it’s about serving you in the Love of Jesus. It all about support, support, support! Healing through the Love of Jesus Christ and with the help of those about you. Making right in the eyes of God and others too, such as families and friends. We will be there to receive you and help you.

Not afraid to ask for help
The enemy lurks in many places just waiting for an opportunity to trip and drag you down again. If nurtured right you will be strong enough and you will not fall. This is where we commit ourselves to you. MMC WC Networking is what we follow up with. It’s a two way street though. You must identify the pitfalls and challenges that you face and also ask for help if you feel that you are slipping. A Mighty Man is not a man that harnesses pride. He is open and honest and not afraid to ask for help.

Last but not least we love and support and ‘Highly Honour’ our women and children as well. We look forward to the lasses and children coming there to the gathering on the Sunday Morning Service. The ladies come there with great expectations in the new man that is about to emerge from the old chrysalis, and then who shines in full colour and glory for God and his wife and children!

Below are some links where you can draw inspiration. These are the chosen Ministers, Pastors, Praise and Worship Team, Guest Artists and Guest Speakers. All these Mighty Men will be hosting and bringing the words and songs to you this forthcoming Mighty Men in the Western Cape. Watch and listen to them as you go through the links and as they unite ‘not just amongst themselves’ to help unite us all for the Mighty Men, but also to help unite us all collectively for ‘Gods Kingdom United! Stand in the gap with us. See you there!

Details can be found at: www.westerncapemmc.co.za or via email to: mmc.wc@hotmail.com or via cell numbers: 082 850 4559 / 082 575 8862.

The following links are placed in order of the ‘sequence for MMC WC as it has unfolded and in accordance ‘as best possible’ to the programme of events at the gathering 25-27 Sep 2015 as mentioned.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WxQs_GPM0Y Angus Buchan


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dAtH9wThps Introduction to Mighty Men from Dmitri Murray


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajmmOXc4L_0  Planting the Cross


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1wVI–gOBA Hennie Lubbe


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEmCnupodEw Johan Vercuiel


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69QtWy5TDF4 Dewald Gouws


https://youtu.be/8Ml9-gY2Ww0 Gerard Kotze


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSGMul2INYo  George Lehman


https://youtu.be/eQWN3vK_6GQ Andre Venter


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifxLIzwXCTA Father Voice


https://youtu.be/zDTBRudxdKc Zane Meas


https://www.facebook.com/mmc.westerncape/videos/vb.128015617350503/539975166154544/?type=2&theater Graham Power

Love and Blessings to you all from Pipey.
Chairman for MMC WC 2015

One Comment

  1. The work of afew for large number to benefit. Thanks all

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