Urgent appeal to churches for volunteers to serve as election observers

iec voting 250.305

Deadline for registration — 1pm today

There is a shortage of IEC election observers for the upcoming municipal elections on August 3 and churches are requested by the South African Christian Leadership Initiative (Sacli) to provide volunteers to act in this vital capacity.

Registration is urgent and must happen before Friday July 22 at 1pm.

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To register email info@sacli.org.za with your full name, ID Number, home address and the name of your church. You will be required to undertake a half day of training on 30 July 2016.

Election Observers are neutral citizens who can testify that voting has been carried out in a transparent, free and fair way, says Sacli’s Miles Giljam. They provide a stabilising effect and encourage peace on election day. If you or members of your church could volunteer as observers don’t delay! Be a part of history by responding today!

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