US abortion clinics closing at unprecedented rate

Originally published in CBN News

Abortion centres are closing their doors at an unprecedented rate in America, according to the Bapist Press. So far, there have been 44 closings this year.

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Some of the shutdowns have been of major clinics, including Virginia’s leading abortion provider, which closed following new state regulations it was unable to meet.

New laws are among the reasons cited for the upswing in closings, along with a growth in pro-life activity and a decline in abortions.

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“I believe the increase in closures is due to record numbers of Christians praying for an end to abortion, and getting actively involved in pro-life efforts where they live — recognizing that change is not going to come from politicians in Washington, D.C., anytime soon,” David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life, wrote in a a statement for Baptist Press.

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Forty-two of the clinics that closed provided surgical abortions, and two offered chemical abortions.

Twenty-five clinics shut down in 2012 and 30 in 2011.

One Comment

  1. Praise the Lord. Many newborn babies have been saved because of this.

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