US bible scholar to lecture in PE on New Testament and human sexuality

A US-based Bible scholar and missionary, Dr Rollin Gross will present a public lecture on the New Testament and human sexuality at St Nicholas Church, Charlo Port Elizabeth at 7pm on Wednesday (July 4).

And on Tuesday (July 3) at 7pm, he will talk on “Why study the Bible?” at an open information evening at the church, at which information will be shared about courses at the Stellenbosch Theological Institute and SAMS (Southern Anglican Mission Society. Anybody interested in attending the information evening should RSVP to Doveton ( or 0766915041.

The two open sessions are hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth.

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Grams is a full-time lecturer in New Testament studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.  He is also the lecturer for the New Testament Studies module of STI’s BTh Honours in Theology and a missionary with United World Mission (UWM).

Born in South Africa to missionary parents, Grams grew up in the Free State and Transvaal.  Upon completion of his academic studies in the United States, he taught New Testament courses in Kenya, Ethiopia, Croatia, England, and the United States. He has had academic appointments at the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology in Kenya, the Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia, the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. Grams has helped to establish theological programmes in several of these seminaries.

Grams has also been an editor for Transformation, an academic journal on holistic mission published in the UK.  He has directed the Robert C. Cooley Center for the Study of Early Christianity at Gordon-Conwell.  He and his family are members at the Church at Charlotte (Evangelical Free). The Grams serve in missions with United World Missions, based in Charlotte, NC.
Grams’ scholarly interests include the integration of New Testament studies with missions, ethics and theological interpretation. Within New Testament studies, his interests lie in biblical ethics, Pauline theology, the Gospel of Matthew, and biblical and philosophical hermeneutics

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