US evangelist, prophetic voices call for urgent, strategic prayer post-election

Mario Murillo, a California-based evangelist, encourages the Church to unify and usher America to revival.
Prophetic words from Mario Murillo, Chuck Pierce and Cindy Jacobs

Compiled from The Gospel Herald, Charisma News and Breaking Christian News

California-based evangelist Mario Murillo encouraged believers to stop looking to president-elect Donald Trump as some kind of saviour and to start “waking up” to the task that God assigned the church and heal disunity in the body of Christ in order to usher the nation to revival.

He said God is using Trump to help the church have more time to get its act together. And if the church should miss this opportunity, “disaster will strike,” he warned.

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“Trump is not a pastor or a moral reformer. Trump is a foot in the door — a stay of execution,” Murillo explained. “He is an act of God to buy the church time to repent and return to her rightful role in American life.”

Some Christians believe Trump will be like a modern-day King Cyrus who will help America become great again for God. The idea mostly stems from a prophetic declaration released by Christian consultant and speaker Lance Wallnau, who referred to Trump as God’s chaos candidate who will shatter political correctness in the nation.

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“Trump is not a pastor or a moral reformer. Trump is a foot in the door — a stay of execution. He is an act of God to buy the church time to repent and return to her rightful role in American life.” — Mario Murillo

“Trump broke the political correctness that threatened to swallow us whole,” Murillo said. “The revival is our job, not his. The American church must build on the opportunity that Trump gave us. We must wake up to our task!”

Praying into Electoral College proceedings
Part of building on this opportunity is praying into the Electoral College proceedings.

According to Charisma News, Chuck Pierce says the Lord told him on November 27, “The next 10 days are critical.”

“Everything seems critical and for the Lord to say it like that … there’s still something about this election we’re not getting. This is a God-thing we are in, and things are going to turn upside down,” Chuck shares. “I gave a word eight years ago that said, ‘In 2016, the Electoral College will be the issue.’ God is dealing with a structure in this nation that will cause the future to be reprogrammed.”

Breaking Christian News reports that Cindy Jacobs agrees that “now is not the time to stop praying. Now is the time to press in even harder.”

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and prophetic voice who is encouraging intercessors to continue to pray for the US. (PHOTO: Generals International)

Intercessors encouraged to pray
Cindy Jacobs is encouraging intercessors across the US to pray to keep the nation stabilised through December 19, according to Breaking Christian News. She points to two issues that need ongoing prayer.

First, a possible recount of the Electoral College.

“You are probably aware that Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for president, is raising money for a recount in three states, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania,” Cindy says. “Hilary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, is now joining in on the demand for a [recount]. Money is being raised to pay for these [recounts], and millions have been raised. Recounts have changed state election results, but never a federal one.”

The second prayer matter is the electoral count proceedings. As she sees it, it is possible, though not likely, that a recount could affect the landscape of the Electoral College. However, she adds, this has been an unusual election cycle.

“We must pray for the Electoral College and electors. We must cry out to God to unify our nation as well. The need

“Now is not the time to stop praying. Now is the time to press in even harder.” — Cindy Jacobs

to appeal to Heaven has not diminished since the election. Let us raise our voices to the God of the nations to send mercy upon us now more than ever.”

Churches need to come together
Murillo also addressed the disunity that has beset the body of Christ in the US. He encouraged the churches to come together and urged church leaders to “push back” against the lies being thrown at Christianity.

“Our disunity is killing our cause,” Murillo said. “Petty differences have never looked so petty! Churches must come together in citywide prayer and soul winning.”

He warned against political backlash from those who don’t support Trump, saying the left will move in retaliation. He pointed out how anti-Trump groups are utilising universities and tech companies to “target the church.”

“We are in danger because the left — stung by the election — is already plotting to launch a massive retaliation … The media — though utterly discredited for lying and colluding — is arrogant and delusional,” he said. “Soon they will ramp up a new assault on free speech.”

Chuck Pierce has an apostolic, prophetic ministry and is prophesying that over the next 10-years there is a window for revival.

Political changes and revival on global stage
Charisma News reports that Chuck Pierce also prophesied about the importance of political changes and revival on a global stage.

In his prophetic discussion, Chuck asserts Russia will again be prominent this year. One can see the stage being set for this reality. Chuck insists it’s vital to understand what God is doing in the church in Russia.

“With Fidel Castro dying, things are about to change as never before,” Chuck says. “It has to do with the way we worship in freedom. It has to do with us in this nation and the nations aligning … What is happening right now is very key. With Fidel Castro dying and Donald Trump coming into office, there will be a realignment. The nations are realigning in the earth for a great latter-day shift, a great harvest shift, great movement from Russia into Israel for fulfilment. You’re looking at a real key team in that shift.”

“Everything seems critical and for the Lord to say it like that … there’s still something about this election we’re not getting. This is a God-thing we are in, and things are going to turn upside down.” — Chuck Pierce

Prophetically, Chuck sees a true apostolic move coming, one that has never been in Russia, and he declares the prophetic dynamic of that nation will come alive.

Ten-year window for revival
Chuck prophesied that “there is only a short, 10-year window for this revival. Russia, Hong Kong and America represent a triangle God is forming; He is redoing the alignments of the nations. Because of Mr Trump, we will remain aligned with Israel for this short, 10-year window,” Chuck says. “What it represents in your life is an unlocking and a restoration of the captivities of the past. This is a fulfilment of the captivities of the past being broken off of us. You are in a place where the glory of God will realign nations. All the dragon nations will have to realign. What you are hearing today is key. Don’t try to understand it with your mind. It will redo the way we do things in days ahead. Quit being legalistic in the way you think and operate; this is a time of change like never before.”

“This is a time that I am realigning the lands and the people of the lands. Lay down your prejudices and your political gleanings — what I am doing is way above this. I am creating a government in the earth that will shake things in a new way. I am working both the heavens and the earth. These next 10 days are critical to aligning the heavens, the earth and the nations of the earth. Get ready, for I have brought you here for a time such as this.”

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