Visiting evangelist equipping believers to heal sick, make disciples – Kate Fitz-Gibbon

A call for you to rise up into a new way of being and living with God.

Hey Folks,

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It’s that time of year where my friend Brian Blount from Oklahoma, USA is coming to South Africa. Brian operates in miracles, healing and power evangelism but more than that, he equips the church to do the same. He believes in activating people into the great commission, to go out and heal the sick and make disciples of all nations.

Brian flows strongly in the prophetic and in word of knowledge, but most of all he has such a passion and love for people!

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There are countless testimonies of healing and salvation from the tour Brian did of South Africa last year, and many South Africans were trained to go out and ‘do the stuff’ as Brian says.

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This year he is bringing a big team from the states and Germany who are hungry to come pour out on the people of SA, as well as SA team members joining too.

Brian kicks off crusades and training in Johannesburg, then Newcastle, Durban, PE and Cape Town. Brian is with the Vineyard network and runs a Vineyard church in Oklahoma while travelling globally training and ministering. There are times when you just know that a move of God is happening and Brian is a move of God. The time he is spending here in SA has been set into motion by God to help raise the standard here and bring about breakthrough.

Below are two healing services you can join next week, one in Johannesburg and the other in Pretoria

Healing Crusade Blobosrand 29th May 2018 – Bring the sick and oppressed!
Healing Crusade Wednesday 30th June 2018 – Everyone is Welcome

In the meantime I want to encourage you to take one step of faith and decide to do something to demonstrate God’s love to a stranger. Offer to pray for someone’s headache. Minister to the waitress when grabbing a cup of coffee. Ask God for a word for your petrol attendant. If you are the waitress or petrol attendant, ask God for a word for your customers. You may say, ‘what difference does my prayer make?’ But I want to tell you, many times I’ve prayed for someone and thought, ‘I wonder if that even made a difference’, only to see them again at the same restaurant and hear how God came through for them. Sometimes it seems unreal how one prayer can change somebodies life, but it really does.

Imagine a country where everyday people are spoken to with the love of Jesus, and as a country we are known for the ministry that takes place on street, in offices, at restaurants, in petrol stations. Imagine you could walk into any shopping centre and know there were staff in the stores who would pray for you.

Right now in SA we are a tipping point, where we need as many people who as possible to act in love and hope. You don’t have to hold a massive crusade, just look someone in the eyes and tell them they are loved by God. That does and it will make a huge difference! It starts with you.

As Brian would teach, if you don’t know what to pray for, just ask the person if there is something you can pray for. If you’re worried about them saying no or thinking you weird, you’ll find 9 times of 10 people want to be prayed for. They are so grateful someone noticed them, that they matter. If you don’t feel like praying, give someone a hug.

I feel something rising, like its going to be easy to love people in South Africa, like we could be known for our love.

Let’s do this thing!

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