WATCH: About dreams from God — Marian Fitz-Gibbon

When Gateway News columnist Marian Fitz-Gibbon received a message from a friend about a prophetic dream she had had about the end of the coronavirus pandemic [See ‘The stom will be over’ message below] , she was inspired to make a short video about receiving and interpreting dreams from God.

Watch the video:

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The storm will be over

Dear Marian.
I hope you feel loved and at peace… I had a dream / experience last week Saturday night. (11/4) I woke up at 2:00 in the morning. Clear. Like one who is drowning and then suddenly being rescued. The room was filled with His presence – “Nadine, tell my people in 20 days from now the storm will be over, it’s going to feel like it’s getting worse but it’s going to be over.” My rational side first wanted to make sure I didn’t imagine it, by processing my thoughts of the day and my last thought before I went to bed. When I prayed about it the next day, I still wasn’t sure if I understood it correctly. The 1/5 is 20 days — I believe the Lord wants to remind us that He is almighty and the only Lord. Ps 103 says fear Him and 2 things are unchangeable His Oath and His Promise Heb.6: 18. This time, I believe, is the prologue for us as witnesses to experience His promises, and His covenant; because He is placed on high again.
I think it is so special that we are going to be out of lockdown already by that time – how is it that the Lord was in the middle of the decision of our president and to use South Africa as a forerunner in all of this – I am currently praying for revival, and that knees will bow and confess He is Lord in our country along with the Vuka Afrika Foundation to pray for Healing, Restoration and Hope for this country, I believe that South Africa will be the lender and not the borrower.
And then just when I thought to keep quiet and don’t share, I am all wrong. I read this today. perhaps-as-soon-as-April-30

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