WATCH: Exclusive interview with Ryan Le Strange and Dr Gustav du Toit — Kate Fitz-Gibbon

A call for you to rise up into a new way of being and living with God.

Inspiration for South Africans from GloryFest

This month in my column is a video that was created by Zion Matthew on special request from me for Gateway News Readers — an interview with Ryan Le Strange and Dr Gustav Du Toit, especially for South Africans.

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Ryan Le Strange was here for GloryFest last month and for those of you who couldn’t make it there, we are bringing GloryFest to you in your home.

Prior to the interview I sent Zion some questions to ask for us, like, What is needed to maintain healthy and successful apostolic cultures? And asking Ryan for his advice to the emerging forerunners and pioneers in South Africa.

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In this video you can look forward to them talking about the new breed arising that will bring a new expression and a new movement, giving advice on how to build apostolic cultures, and developing the interaction between apostles and prophets.

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This video is special because its advice being given specifically for us South Africans from world leading apostolic voices and it’s an exclusive interview for Gateway News.

Please like this video and share with your fellow South African friends because we all need to be encouraged that we are called and we will do great things as a nation.

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