WATCH: New song from Bethel Music for 2020 — ‘Be Alright’

Originally published in Relevant Magazine

Bethel Music has a new tune that might just be the piece of encouragement that turns your week around. It’s called Be Alright, by Dante Bowe, featuring Amanda Lindsey Cook. The song is a sonic trip, starting with some lowkey strums and building towards a gentle zenith that never quite loses its restraint. It’s a great song.

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  1. So far removed from the true worship that a Holy God requires of us…

    New age music – “The song is a sonic trip, starting with some lowkey strums and building towards a gentle zenith that never quite loses its restraint. It’s a great song.”

  2. Hi Regart and Niekie. You guys are right — it isn’t a worship song. It’s a simple declaration of encouragement to people struggling in this time. I like it. And Amanda Cooke who is one of the two singers is indeed a true worshiper who has written such beautiful worship songs as ‘Starlight’, ‘You Make Me Brave’ and ‘Closer’

  3. Hugh G Wetmore

    It is sad that a Christian song should be commended for its musical vibe, yet nowhere are the lyrics provided, so that these can be evaluated. Scripture supplies criteria for evaluating the Lyrics – NOT the music – of the songs God wants us to sing.

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