WATCH: Powerful prayer and fasting for Eskom

SA Back To God’s Janet Brann-Hollis reports back on yesterday’s day of prayer and fasting for Eskom.

There was an overwhelming response in South Africa — and in other nations — to a call for a day of prayer and fasting for Eskom yesterday, says Janet Brann-Hollis of SA Back To God in a video report-back on the campaign.

Calling for the fast last week, she said God had showed her that if the Church prayed with a unified voice He would speed up his plan for solving Eskom’s problems.

In today’s report back video she says she met with senior Eskom personnel and shared God’s plans for Eskom with them. She also said she saw strongholds over the power provider toppling. She urged believers to keep on praying for Eskom. Click here for guidelines on praying for Eskom.

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Watch video report-back on yesterday’s fast:

Watch last Friday’s call to prayer:

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