WATCH: Time to rise against divisive song and stand for righteousness, says bridge-builder Mathuhle

We Christians in South Africa cannot afford to be silent about songs that spread hatred. It is time to speak up and stand for righteousness.

So says Pastor John Mathuhle in a passionate video message [watch above] he sent out on social media this week in response to EFF leader Julius Malema and his supporters singing “Kill the boer, kill the farmer” at the party’s 10th anniversary celebration at the FNB Sradium, Johannesburg last weekend.

“If you are a believer and you are passionate about this country and you believe in the promise of God for this country, I want you to stand up and to pray against this evil spirit, this evil spirit that the enemy is sending between people of God in this nation.

“And especially as spiritual leaders, we need to bring this country together. We need to begin to build bridges of reconciliation in this country. And we cannot do that if we are silent when the enemy is raising his voice of division over this nation,” he says in the video.

Pastor John Mathuhle, right with fellow Time2RiseSA leader Dr Arno van Niekerk

Matuhle who is from Senekal, in the Free State, is a leader of the Time2RiseSA movement which is mobilising South African Christians to unite for change in the nation. Since May he has addressed Time2Rise workshops at George in the Western Cape and Newcastle and the Drakensberg in KwaZulu-Natal. He will speak at workshops in Gauteng from August 25 to 27, in the Eastern Cape from September 7 to 10, and in Durban from September 22 to 24.

He told Gateway News the purpose of the meetings is to pray for the country, find out what God is doing around SA, share the vision for Christians to unite for change, and to encourage believers everywhere to attend an important national gathering at Wilde Als farm outside Bloemfontein from October 6 to 8. More details about the Time2Rise events and vision can be found at

In an interview today, Mathuhle said that while reading the Bible several years ago God convicted him as he read Cain’s infamous question: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9). He realised that God was calling believers to reverse the curse of Cain that continues to tear nations and race groups apart. This requires Christians to accept accountability for being “my brother’s keeper” — for discipling nations.

A few weeks ago God reminded him of his conviction that we are our brothers’ keeper and that was what prompted him to make the video clip in response to the “Kill the farmer” song — “lest the blood of the innocent will be on our hands”.

“We owe it to our children. We cannot continue teaching our children and young people hatred in this country. It’s all in our hands. What are you going to do about it? There is a silent majority in this country — and these are men and women who believe in a new South Africa. It’s men and women who are passionate about this country and who want to see this country work,” he says in the video.

He emaphaises that it is not enough just to codemn the divisive song. We must actively build bridges of reconciliation.

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  1. Suzette van Rooyen

    Thank the Lord for bridge builders like Pastor Mathuhle. It’s time for leaders across our nation to join on unity against those who want to destroy our beloved nation.

  2. Michael J. Higgs

    I thank God for this man of God and for his message. May it bear fruit mightily for God’s glory. Let us pray that God will do for Julius Malema what God did for Saul of Tarsus!

  3. God bless Pastor Mathuhle. Most definitely we cannot allow satan to dictate our fate as a country. Christians must unite and ensure the agents of this evil spirit do not rise to power and become our leaders. The extent to which lawlessness is allowed in this country is busy naturing monsters who will turn around and devour this country. God forbid! Not in my name!

    There are those who would use every trick in the book to rise to power even if it takes climbing on the ladder made of corpses of fellpw country men.