WATCH: Todd White talks with man resurrected from the dead after horrific zipline accident

Evangelist Todd White, second from right, talks to a man, James, who doctors had diagnosed as a quadriplegic after he recovered a few minutes after he was declared clinically dead following a zipline accident

Origingally published in Charisma News

Because God had resurrected him from the dead, James wasn’t about to resign himself to a life as a quadriplegic. He knew his God was much, much bigger than that.

After a zipline accident in June left him clinically dead for a few minutes, James, from Little Rock, Arkansas, was revived, but doctors diagnosed him as a quadriplegic and told him he would never walk again. But James, who already had the faith of a mustard seed, says he refused to believe that report and chose instead to hang onto God’s promises for his healing.

James, a Christian who had seen “thousands” of others healed after praying for them, asked “why not him?”

Soon after, James began to move his arms, and then his legs. It was then he knew that his faith wasn’t wasted and his standing on the Word of God was not in vain. He began to walk again, just like he had prior to the accident.

“I fell off a zipline, and I was actually dead,” James said recently in a video that featured evangelist Todd White. “I died for around 10 or 15 minutes and was resurrected from the dead. The doctors said: ‘Well, he’s back, but this is one of those Chris Reeve Superman accidents.’ So quadriplegia was the diagnosis. That meant that nothing below my neck may have ever worked again.

“I told the doctors, you don’t know Jesus. Todd (White) came, he and his crew, and they prayed. When man doesn’t have a way, God has a way, and I am so thankful. God’s promises are true. I just praise God for people who walk in it and believe in it. It’s not based on what you see, but on the truth.”

James’ pastor had told White previously of the effect James was having on people, laying hands on them and praying for them, and seeing them healed. James’ tireless efforts as an evangelist himself were not wasted.

“In June, we were asked to come to the hospital here in Little Rock and pray for this guy who had fallen from a zipline,” White says. “We were told he would possibly be a quadriplegic, but we were believing for God’s healing. I’m telling you, Jesus is so amazing.

“We were there that day and he (James) couldn’t move. He was in a hospital bed hooked up to a lot of tubes. He shared his heart a little bit and we prayed for him. My whole team was there. The doctor’s report was bad, bad, bad. But Jesus’ report was that he wouldn’t become a quadriplegic. Here he is, four months later, and Jesus made this guy whole.”

Fully recovered, James is now back out into the world to do ministry as God has called him, preaching the Gospel and laying hands on the sick and afflicted.

“Jesus loves us so much, so never give up,” James says. “I’ve seen thousands of healings, and kinds of incredible stuff. Seeing the love of God touch people, like He did me, is so amazing. I am so grateful and I praise God forever for what He has done for me and is doing for others.”

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