WATCH: Transition into the new by getting unstuck in your life — Kate Fitz-Gibbon

Do you feel like you are transitioning in your life at the moment? That everything is being shaken and challenged to go to a higher place?

As you are shifting into the new of your life God will point out areas of your life that are hindering you from moving forward. When that happens, you know it’s time to get unstuck in those places.

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If this is you, then I’ve created a two part video series just for you on How to get unstuck and move forward in your life.

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In each video I  give you five areas to look at that will help you get unstuck, with very practical things that you can do now to step into freedom.

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel — it’s new and I’m growing it into a community for creatives, forerunners, prophetic people and for everyone who is keen on living in the new thing that God is doing.

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If the videos helped you in some way please comment on them so I know that they did and also if you have any suggestions for content you would like to me to talk about, please comment under the video on that.

Watch Part 1 and Partvideos below:

Looking forward to chatting to you on YouTube,

Much Love

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