WATCH: Video of the week: April 16, 2015 — Holocaust Remembrance Day

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Every year in Israel, on the day of Holocaust remembrance, a mid morning siren sounds for two minutes throughout the nation and all activity — including traffic on busy highways — stops as people remember the horrors of the Holocaust and those who fought against it. Six million jews were murdered by Nazis and collaborators during the Second World War. The video above was taken in Tel Aviv today and shows people stopping their vehicles, getring out and standing in respectful silence. The date of Holocaust Remembrance Day is in late April or early May each year and corresponds with the 27th of Nisan on the Jewish calendar which marks the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

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In a column in today’s Jerusalem Post, Jonathan Feldstein, Director of Heart to Heart, A Christian mercy ministry in Israel, reflects poignantly on what today means to him and his family:

People stand still as siren marking Holocaust Remembrance Day is sounded in Jerusalem April 16, 2015.. (PHOTO::REUTERS)


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One Comment

  1. Least we forget… see Proverbs 24:10-12.
    Peter Throp. (Value life.)

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