WATCH: Video of the Week: June 19, 2015 — Garrissa survivor: ‘I prayed, make them to be blind’


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Originally posted in CBN News

More than two months have passed since gunmen from the jihadist group Al-Shabaab stormed Kenya’s Garissa University College, killing 147 people and injuring more than 80.

The terrorists also took 700 students hostage.

Dividing students and teachers based on their ability to recite the Koran, the attackers freed the Muslims while killing those who identified themselves as Christians.

The university, which had been receiving threats of a potential attack weeks prior to the attack, cancelled classes as a safety precaution.

The April 2 siege took place a week after the University had reopened. Four attackers and five men were later arrested in connection with the attack. 

The Garissa attack was the most deadly attack on Kenyan soil since al Qaeda bombed the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi in 1998, killing more than 200 people and wounding thousands.

Cynthia Cheroitich, 19, survived the attack. Her story has gone viral on the Internet. 

After travelling for six hours by bus to meet CBN News’ Angela Zatopek, she was ready to speak about what happened that day, her faith, and moving forward.

‘I was praying to God… make them to be blind so they cannot see me,” she recalled of when one of the attackers opened the cabinet where she was hiding. “And they didn’t recognize that someone was there.”

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Click play to watch Cheroitich tell her entire story.

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