‘Watchmen on the Wall’ launching soon

Defending family, faith and freedom

‘Watchmen on the Wall’, SA’s first current affairs program from a Biblical Christian perspective is scheduled to launch on Monday September 3 at 7pm on TBN Africa – channel 341 on DStv.

We already have a phenomenal line up of interesting and critical topics to inform, educate and equip you – the Christian citizen – to fulfil your Scriptural mandate to be salt and light in society.

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This weekly program will be launched just in time to keep you updated about the many threats against the family & your values. I will also equip you with the tools to defeat this godless agenda

Family Watch International warns, “A new report issued by a United Nations commission – established by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon – claims that all nations must legalise prostitution as part of any successful effort to deal with the AIDS pandemic.

This report, titled “HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights & Health” also calls for the legalisation and de-stigmatisation of injection drug use and same-sex relations—all in the name of AIDS prevention.
Ironically, the report acknowledges that “sex workers” (the euphemism used for prostitutes), intravenous drug users, and “men who have sex with men” have the highest incidence of AIDS, yet the commission still calls upon nations to legalise and de-stigmatise these risky behaviours.”

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Research indicates the legalisation and legitimisation of harmful behaviours always leads to an increase in that behaviour with catastrophic consequences for the family and society in general.

UN commissions are stacked with anti-family activists hell-bent on imposing their will on the world.

The best way you and I can defeat this evil agenda is by staying informed about their tactics, prayer & responding when called to act. The Church is best positioned to defend the family in SA.

The introductory ‘Watchmen on the Wall’ program will highlight the various threats against the family. The next program will address the “sexual rights agenda” and its nefarious plans for SA.

I plan to broadcast a ground-breaking documentary that lifts the lid on the sexual rights agenda.

The ‘Watchmen on the Wall’ TV program is another weapon in Family Policy Institute’s arsenal to defend the family and advance Biblical Christian values in Parliament, the media & general society.

Establishing a studio and set, and producing a weekly television program has increased our need for financial resources. The TV show is an addition to our normal advocacy work in the nation.

But I cannot do this on my own. I need your prayers and financial partnership to help me fight the good fight. Your contributions will help keep me on the frontlines of the battle for faith and family.

You can partner with me through a monthly contribution of any amount via electronic transfer directly into Family Policy Institute’s banking account. Your contributions helps protect your values.

You can also make a generous once-off donation to support FPI’s various pro-family projects.
As a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO), annual donations to FPI are tax-deductible. Tax certificates are available on request at anaidoo@familypolicyinstitute.com

If you have been considering partnering with FPI – I assure you the time to get involved is now!

I have taken a major step of faith to produce a weekly current affairs program that will effectively counter the blatant misinformation and distortions so prevalent in the liberal secular media.

Please make a decision today to partner with FPI & empower me to defend your values in society.


  1. The family focus is close to my heart and will commit to assisting in any way that I can from a monthly financial contribution to prayer. I do not have DSTV and will now seriously consider getting this in order for me to watch your program and share your messages with as many as I can. May God bless, direct and keep you in your efforts.

  2. I need to send and email to Errol Naidoo about last night’s interview with the PlettenbergBay Christian School and Victory CS in Durban. My daughter is in grade 11 at Christ Generation Christian School(Parow), and the children at her school that has finished their matric grade 12 is struggling to get into University , they all fail their NBT exams because the Maths and all other subjects are so different to their ACE curriculum. I have no problem with the school it self, my daughter is very happy there and she gets taught good biblical morals, character and discipline…. My daughter is a cadette in the SAAF at Ysterplaat this year and next year(till grade12) and my biggest fear is when she will be applying after matric to sign up permanently. Will their CEC certificate be recognized. I feel my daughter has wasted her time with the ACE curriculum and I feel like taking her out of the Christian School and putting her into public school just for the NSC certificate that is approved by all institutions and colleges

  3. Terry Terblanche

    We are thankful for the work you do and we are looking forward to hear receive your newsletter.
    Terry and Wenna Terblanche

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