Waves of redemption in Maluleke

Many people encountered the saving, healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ during a recent week-long outreach in a village in northern Limpopo.
Many people encountered the saving, healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ during a recent week-long outreach in a village in northern Limpopo.

From October 6 to 12 2014, the team of In His Name Ministries held a Gospel Crusade in Makuleke, a village situated in northern Limpopo, South Africa. Men and women, young and old came out in force to encounter the God who saves – and encounter Him, they did! Night after night, hands were raised high to accept Jesus as Saviour. In addition thereto, miracles manifested in abundance.

Manganyi, 20, accepted Jesus as Lord on the very first evening. On the second night, her newfound Saviour touched her mightily, setting her free from a year-long chest ailment. “I could not breathe properly,” she explained, weeping for joy. “At night, I struggled to sleep. Now, I am completely healed! I want to change from my old style of living. I want to live for Jesus.”

Lettie, 67, leaped on stage, testifying of being delivered from the arthritis that had plagued her for the past three years. “I experienced the power of God,” she shared. “I can work again now, I feel so light and able.”

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Evalyn, 53, has suffered a stroke over a year ago that badly affected the right side of her body. “From the moment I put foot on the crusade field, I felt things coming out of me,” she said. “Now, I am feeling very fine. I love God. I am so grateful.”

Phephu, 65, likewise rejoiced, delivered from four years of paining legs, stomach and waist. “I am a farmer, but all these pains made work impossible. I was sick and tired of going to doctors, this crusade was my last option. Now, I am healed – the pain is gone!”

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Charlotte, 42, was delivered from a migraine that had persisted for six long months. “I struggled to sleep, I felt so weak. During prayer, a warmth spread all over my body. Tonight, I experienced that God heals without using something like ashes and water.”

The scene on the third night of the Gospel crusade.

Nkuna, 62, accepted Jesus on the Friday evening as her Lord and Saviour. During our final service, she was set free from more than 20 years of debilitating pains in her stomach and back. “I was unable to work and battled to sleep,” she expounded. “The power of God felt like heat in my body. The pain is gone – I can do all the things I could not do before.”

Tsietsi, 35, was also wondrously healed. “I had a stroke on my right side eight months ago. I could not even bend my arm. During prayer, it felt like it was being stretched. Now, I feel so good, I can move it perfectly!” Also having accepted Christ as Lord just a few nights ago, this precious gentleman will never be the same.

In both the final Fire Conference service and Saturday evening crusade meeting, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was prayed for. The In His Name team bore witness as those gathered were overwhelmed by His presence and power, the Lord saturating His children for service and anointing them for action. An army of fire-filled believers will now go forth, redirecting their communities from darkness to light! The pastors are delighted. Equipped with decision cards, they are already hard at work following up the thousands of new converts. Yes indeed, Makuleke was shaken by the Gospel – as only the Gospel can!

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