Waymaker, Miracle Worker, it isn’t over yet — Lindy-Ann Hopley

A 98 year old man  arrived with a walker, a blind eye and a deaf ear. His wife, 89 years old, arrived in a wheelchair with a fractured spine and broken hip, unable to walk!

Both grew up in Catholic homes. She always loved God, but was not born again, praying to the saints with no results and she had never seen a miracle! He, on the other hand, gave up believing a long time ago.

But two weeks before “Miracle Night” in Roca de Vida, Panama, his grandson led him to Jesus and they decided to come to the event! Jesus RADICALLY met them both!

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It will blow you away!

This year is not over yet! Neither are you!

It doesn’t matter your age, your past or your current situation — Christ in you surpasses all things seemingly impossible!

Who would have thought people over 80 could get radically healed?! Too late for them? Never! And not for you either!

It is not over yet — RUN!

Let’s keep running this race on fire for Jesus!

Farewell Reinhard Bonnke

Legendary evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, who died last Saturday, aged 79 (PHOTO: Facebook).

“I am like a Boeing 747 — the best just before take-off!” – Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

And that is how he ended it exactly. This week it was with great sadness that we bade farewell to one of the greatest men of God who has walked the earth! Or perhaps one should say stomped and ran across the earth and emptied hell and populated heaven!

But now he has joined the great cloud of witnesses — cheering us on to gather the harvest for our Lord Jesus Christ!

[Paul speaking] “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” — Acts 20:24

What I didn’t mention in the testimony of the elderly couple’s breakthroughs,  is that this whole family’s transformation started with a praying daughter-in-law. Her husband that led his parents to Jesus didn’t want anything to do with her religion! He detested it. He even fought with her about it. But God was fighting on her behalf!

Full testimony video coming soon!

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May these testimonies inspire you to share the Gospel with family & friends this Christmas time!

Be filled with hope that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with God!

God Bless you this festive season! Merry Christmas & Happy God-filled New Year!

Lots of LOVE & FIRE

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