We can all prophesy

Godspeaks[notice]A monthly prophetic perspective from Marian and Kate Fitz-Gibbon[/notice]

The prophetic is on the move, and we are loving seeing what God is doing.  

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The Lord is using the prophetic to crack open dry lands to reveal springs of life.

postioningAt the beginning of June we were part of the ministry team for the Positioning the Prophetic weekend in the Western Cape. The heart behind Positioning the Prophetic is to activate all Christians in the body who want to prophesy, and invest those who already do to go deeper. This is totally scriptural because Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:1 and 5 that one must desire to prophesy and that all may prophesy.

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One theme that came through from the weekend in the Cape and every time we train people in the prophetic is that every child of God can hear His voice because God wants us to hear Him and bless others with what we hear.

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The heart behind prophecy is that we can all help each hear what God is saying, and experience more of Him in our lives and advance the kingdom.

God loves to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things through them. Prophecy is definitely one of these. Positioning the prophetic has had one weekend in Northern KZN, one in Western Cape, and one in the Eastern Cape, and this was some of the feedback:

Northern KZN:
“A wonderful demonstration of God’s presence and power with practical word based application. Healing and testimonies flowing each day. Marriages healed, bodies healed. Emotions and identities healed. Vision restored for churches and the region. There is a great sense of purpose and destiny for faith for our future. Many people moving to deeper encounters with God; greater openness to the person of the Holy Spirit. A powerful demonstration of what team work looks like”

Western Cape:
“There is so much positive feedback and testimonies coming in of people who were touched, spoken to and also activated to step out in the prophetic. God did amazing work and everyone feels encouraged and strengthened to hear God and see the prophetic become a lifestyle’.

Now that’s just a glimpse of what the prophetic can do. We have received further feedback that the words people received began to take immediate effect in their lives and they are already seeing amazing fruit only a week later.

The prophetic has the ability to change a person’s life forever. A good prophecy can steer you through your darkest hour. It is a promise to hold onto and greatly affect how you see yourself and give you the boldness to pursue God’s plan for your life.

We are well aware that there has been a lot of abuse in the prophetic where people have been seriously hurt, and it is has been heart breaking to hear the stories. However when the prophetic is used with wisdom and speaks exactly what is on our Father’s heart, it remains one of the greatest tools and gifts in the body of Christ.

God’s heart is to see our nation flow in prophetic as a lifestyle, and all the gifts of the Spirit.

Prophecy is a gift. We often feel we have to earn the right to prophesy, or that is it not for everyone, but that’s not true. (1 Corinthians 14)

If there is one important point we hope to make for you is that if you are a Spirit filled believer, you are called and are able to prophesy. The kind of prophecy we are referring to here is to edify, build up and exhort God’s people. It’s not necessary and on most occasions not helpful for those with the gifting and not the office to give directional or correctional words. That is normally reserved for five fold ministry.

So let’s take the pressure out of the prophetic. If Paul said that all may prophesy, then it can’t be that hard. (1 Corinthians 14:5 and 1 Corinthians 14:31). It also must be easily available, if all can do it.

If you have a heart to love people and you love God, then you have your prophecy starter tool kit.

We are also told to earnestly desire spiritual gifts 1 Corinthians 14:1. It is not in line with the heart of God to tell us to desire spiritual gifts but we may never have them.

Proverbs 19:2 Says desire without knowledge is not good, and to be over hasty is to sin and miss the mark.

Part of getting activated in the prophetic is to practice hearing God’s voice, and then practice sharing what He tells you with others in a safe environment. Getting training with people who will help you soar is so important, just like you would learn to do anything else in life.

What is so wonderful about team work is that we can pick each other up when we miss the mark and encourage each other to keep going.

The first few prophecies you give may be short and sweet, but the more you do it the more you’ll flow.

If you are interested in receiving training, positioning the prophetic is hosting weekends (free of charge) in the following locations:

KZN Richardsbay – 17-19 July
NCCB Johannesburg – 31 July – 2 August
KZN Durban – 14-16 August
KZN Port Shepstone – 21-23 August
GEORGE – 6-8 November

If you have any questions about the prophetic, please pop us an email at kate@fgfoundations.co.za, and marian@fgfoundations.co.za, we would love to hear from you.

One Comment

  1. Greetings in Jesus Name! WOW WOW WOW, your articles are very profound, and i love the Apostolic termanology that you are using to relate between God and man! Thankyou for standing in the gap for your fellow countrymen, whether they are saved or not. Be blessed

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