We need to hear — and understand — God’s word together

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice]

sacred-assemblyIf we go to The Book of Nehemiah chapter 8, we will see that after Nehemiah had rebuilt the wall around the city of Jerusalem, he called the people together in one place and the scribe Ezra brought The Word of God. It is very important for the people to come together in one place (Nehemiah 8:1), and then for the people to hear and to understand The Word of God. To preach it powerfully, but simply.

Nehemiah 8:4 says that Ezra, the scribe, stood on a platform of wood, which they had made for the purpose and Ezra opened The Book of the Law in the sight of the people and he read The Word of God. The people said, Amen, amen, (verse 6) and they worshipped the Lord. So when Ezra read The Word of God distinctly, it made sense and it helped the people to understand God’s purpose and they went away with joy and strength, because they had heard from the Lord.

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Verse 12 tells us the people went their way to eat and to drink, to send portions and rejoice greatly because they understood the words that were declared to them. We in South Africa need to meet as a people. Hence the “Sacred Assembly” on November 19 at the FNB Stadium in Soweto/Johannesburg, so that together we can repent before God, we can hear the simple Word of God spoken and we can leave with rejoicing in our hearts, knowing that God has heard our prayers of repentance, we have had distinct instruction from Him and He will then commence to bless this nation.

The blessing that we are talking about is first of all respect for one another, departing from corruption, because of the fear of the living God, the ceasing of unmerited murder, and violence among peoples all over this nation, and then a change in the climatic conditions of our nation — namely the breaking of the drought that has literally been suffocating this nation for two years now.

God has given us clear instruction on what we need to do. Not to have certain people groups and not to have it in certain areas, but one place — namely the biggest stadium in sub-Saharan Africa. To see different racial groups, gender groups, age groups coming together purely interdenominational and to hear the undiluted Word of God spoken simply and clearly. Once having received the mandate, to respond to it and then to leave the rest in God’s hands.

That is why the Israelites left that meeting rejoicing at which Ezra, the scribe, brought The Word of God, because they had done what God told them and then they went away rejoicing and expecting from the Lord God who never breaks His promises. Numbers 23:19 (NKJV), God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

Therefore, let us be obedient to God as His people, and let God do His part and we do our part.

God bless you
Angus Buchan

One Comment

  1. Rev. Carole Meyer

    An inspiring reading. Thank you.

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