What made them change their views on abortion in seconds?

The 180 video which launches on Sunday includes the transformation of a blue-mohawked 'Steve,' who Comfort describes as a 'neo-Nazi, probably pro-everything evil,' September 2011.

Originally published in Christian Post

The evangelist producer of an online documentary to be released this Sunday has high hopes that the film, which shows eight pro-abortion young adults change their stance to pro-life just moments after being asked a question, goes viral.

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The 33-minute documentary called “180” is produced by Ray Comfort and his ministry, Living Waters. Even after watching the film’s trailer on its website, viewers are left with no clues as to what question was asked or what exactly prompted eight people to change their views on abortion.

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Comfort told The Christian Post that in the process of making the film he asked a question that was “so powerful that it not only changed the people’s minds about abortion, and made them do a 180 (degree turn in viewpoint), but it made them do a 180 when it comes to their own eternal salvation.”

When asked by CP, the preacher, who is also known for challenging atheists in one-on-one debates and street preaching in Huntington Beach, Calif., did not reveal the question he asked. Comfort said that with the help of Christians, “180” has a good chance of going viral.

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“The reason this film is unique is that we have eight young people who change their minds from being pro-abortion to pro-life in a matter of seconds because of one question I ask them,” he said. “On the video you will actually see a neo-Nazi – a very nasty neo-Nazi named Steve, who is anti-Christian, an anti-God atheist, who is probably pro-everything evil, loves Adolf Hitler, hates blacks, hates Jews, hates America – do a complete 180 to the point to where you actually like the guy because he starts talking about his own eternal salvation.”

Comfort said the documentary is very gripping and captivating, and as one pastor who has seen the film said, “You don’t watch ‘180,’ you experience it.”

“For me to tell you what the question is would steal your experience because you’ve got to see the facial expressions change,” Comfort said. “You’ve got to see the people, when they are asked a question, change from one of a hard look in their facial expression to suddenly, a light going off, as they change their minds and realize how evil abortion is just with the one question.”

The video for the movie was initially intended to be a free DVD supplement for a book Comfort wrote, called Hitler, God, and the Bible.

“The video went in a direction I never intended it to,” he said. “It became a pro-life movie, much to our surprise.”

The documentary starts off by showing “14 college students who haven’t got a clue who Adolf Hitler is,” Comfort said. “It swings from there into the pro-life message in a very subtle and interesting way to the point where you cannot look away because of the scenario where the people are placed in the video.”

In addition to the film being available for free online at 180movie.com beginning Sunday, Comfort plans to give 200,000 DVD copies of the film to 100 colleges in the United States.

“We are absolutely delighted that finally Christians can do something concrete when it comes to this very emotional and divisive issue of abortion,” he said. “They can just give this video out to someone.”

Comfort related to the CP how some YouTube videos, such as “Charlie bit my finger,” can garner phenomenal viewing numbers, in the hundreds of millions. He sees no reason his film can not have the same kind of astronomical numbers and result in a major social shift.

“We’d like to see this film go viral because if you can change what a person believes about abortion you are going to change the way they vote, and that can change the direction of this nation and this nation surely can be turned back to God,” he said. “A lot of people have (already) said this will turn the nation back to God with His help.”

Watch the trailer of 180 below:


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