What‘s your next? — Vivienne Solomons

Do you remember the Standard Bank campaign “What’s your next?” launched a few years ago? 

It was a powerful campaign in that it posed a question which not only demanded a response but also cut to the heart of who we are – no matter where we come from or what we have experienced.

We all have aspirations, ambitions and plans. Even if we don’t always believe in ourselves or have the resources or support structure to chase after our dreams.  

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Yes, I know life happens and sometimes we find ourselves travelling down an unfamiliar road on our way to a different destination than we had planned or hoped for. 

From experience I can tell you that it is not easy to build a new life while still grieving the one that was left behind. Yet it is possible. I know that with God, it can be done.

But it does require courage to keep showing up for our lives in the midst of ongoing challenges, and to continue to hope in the face of what seems to be an impossible situation. 

Yet, when we say “Yes” to God and mean it, this is the life we are called to live. To hold the tension between the reality of the world we live in and the abundant life we have been promised.    

I am reminded of the words in Hebrews 12: 1-2 which reads: “ … let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith …”.

It is because Jesus has gone before us that we can endure or persevere even to the point of overcoming what threatens to overwhelm us. He makes it possible for us to not give up, to not lose hope and hold on until we see the goodness of God in the land where we live. 

We were not created just to simply survive this life we have been given. We were created to thrive. In the midst of our circumstances and despite our fears concerning the future.

In these ever-changing and uncertain times, our God is ever present and never changing. And He has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives in the midst of it all.

We need only ask Him, “What’s next?”.  

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