Why Israel matters to me — and to us all

Old City, Jerusalem from Mount of Olives

Tshego Motaung shares her personal journey from accepting the popular anti-Israel narrative on campus to encountering and responding to the truth in God’s Word

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet — Isaiah 62:1

In 2009-2010 I was awarded a scholarship to study a masters in global political economy in the United Kingdom. I found myself at the University of Sussex, which was not my first choice, but now, in hindsight. I understand why I ended up there.

Anyone who has ever been a student would know that, students are usually preoccupied with trying to make new friends, figuring out study timetables, locating lecture halls and where to eat; it is not a time to try to engage students on a very serious political campaign.

Shortly after orientation week early in October, there was a weeklong commemoration of the role Sussex University played in support of the anti-apartheid movement of South Africa. This obviously appealed to me, being an activist at heart. I was moved to hear that Sussex University students supported the liberation movement of South Africa. I knew that some of our current leaders – including former President Mbeki — were students at that university but this commemoration, plus the Hall named after our former president Mandela made me feel more at home.

Tshego Motaung, left, at Sussex University in 2010 with African students she mobilised to watch the opening game of the Soccer World Cup

As it would be expected, this group of students became my buddies on campus as we shared a love for my nation.  Little did I know that a few weeks later they would launch another campaign – this time to boycott Israel, calling it an apartheid state. During the boycott Israel campaign they played a clip of late Archbishop Tutu, saying Israel reminded him of apartheid. I must admit I was completely clueless on this subject. But since they were my newfound friends on campus I supported them – and in the spirit of respecting the elders, I figured the Archbishop knew better than me on this matter.

On October 28 2009, a referendum was held at the university on whether or not to boycott Israeli products from our campus. By this time academic pressure was beginning to build up and since I was not convicted on this issue, I didn’t vote, and just supported my friends.

A total of 1 012 students from a student population of about 11 000 participated in this vote, which is less than 10%. And 562 (55.5%) of those who participated, voted to boycott Israel on campus. Our university became the first in the UK to implement a full boycott of Israeli goods through referendum, according to the BDS Movement news report.

Anti-Israel rally at Harvard University on October 14 (PHOTO: Reuters/Brian Snyder)

It is only in hindsight that I discovered that the events that played out on our campus were not random or just inspired by student zeal and love for the people of Palestine. This was part of a well-coordinated series of events organised by the global movement to boycott Israel, and it was timed perfectly to ensure new students didn’t get enough time to organise themselves to stop the vote.  

Israel revealed
I completed my studies and returned home. As I began to grow in my Christian walk, the Bible came alive to me and I discovered God’s love and commitment to Israel. I began to appreciate the Jewish people, and the establishment of the State of Israel as a fulfilment of biblical prophecy.

One morning, during my time of devotion, I was confronted by the Scripture below, and I went on to discover many other Scriptures [see some of them below] that speak specifically on how God will judge nations and people based on their treatment of Israel.

“For violence against your brother Jacob (Israel), Shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever. In the day that you stood on the other side — In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, when foreigners entered his gates. And cast lots for Jerusalem — even you were as one of them. “But you should not have gazed on the day of your brother In the day of his captivity; nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah In the day of their destruction;  Nor should you have spoken proudly In the day of distress.” — Obadiah 10-14.

In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. — Joel 3:1-2

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it. — Zechariah 12:2-3

Immediately I understood that my silence while Israel was boycotted on our university campus was not a small matter. In hindsight, I realised that being a South African on campus at that time, I could have spoken up for Israel with more credibility because apartheid is our story. Many people like me, have found themselves in support of a pro-Palestinian cause without honestly understanding what it means.

Since that time, I decided that I was not going to keep silent anymore and in the small spaces I find myself, I do my best to share about Israel. The work has grown over years from supporting various Israel initiatives, to leading a platform that prays for the Peace of Jerusalem every week. This platform has  become a place of enlightenment on this subject. This past June I coordinated a group tour to Israel,  which is a whole testimony on its own.

This work has not been on big platforms or loud, like mighty rivers – but can be compared to the drip irrigation water system of Israel. While it may not be visible from a distance, it has been like a consistent drip supply of water that has produced much fruit over the years. Many families, since we began, have developed a deep love for Israel.

So, it doesn’t matter the noise made by politicians – the truth has been engraved in our hearts and this cannot be shaken. We stand with Israel. We love Israel. We refuse to be told by politicians how to interpret Scripture. Israel means Israel, and Israel stands for Israel in the Bible.

South African government position
The South African government’s position on Israel has been quite distressing for some time now and it does not make sense. Israel’s neighbouring countries like Egypt, Jordan and UAE are not making the level of noise that is coming out of South Africa, or calling for diplomatic ties with Israel to be cut.

Our government’s official position is supposed to be that of non-alignment but when it comes to Israel it leads the continent in condemning Israel. This is the government that has failed to speak out against human rights abuses in Zimbabwe, or to intervene there in a meaningful way. Just recently this government was in hot water over its alleged support for Russia. Our leaders had a difficult time trying to convince skeptical critics of its claims of neutrality.

Palestine supporter tears an Israeli flag after pro-Palestine crowd illegally disrupts pro-Israel prayer rally in Sea Point, Cape Town on November 19

Our governments’ hostile position on Israel has created a fertile ground for antisemitism in our nation, and has emboldened those who want to intimidate and threaten supporters of Israel. Their voices are loud and they speak with boldness as if they have received a mandate from the whole nation. They have no such mandate. There are  many who love Israel and stand with Israel, and in this season we will not be silent.

“Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.  For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:13-14

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  1. Tshegofatso, you are one courageous lady – your bold stand for the recognition of the State of Israel says it ALL – when so many others in South Africa are backing Palestinian criminals. Your article is such a blessing, (I am a born-again Jewish lady). ‘May the Lord bless you and keep you, May he cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, The Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.’ (The type that passes understanding) (Numbers 6:24 – 26).

  2. My understanding of the Bible is that my love for Israel doesnt have to equal support for anything the Israeli Government does.

    Again my love for Israel doesnt have to equal hatred for and condemnation of Palestinians.

    Whilst Christians must be steadfast and unapologetic for their love for Israel, we must be careful of religious people and hate mongers.

    Christianity is a relationship with Christ not a religion.

    Religious people see human enemies whilst Christians have a spiritual enemy, Satan.

    Religious people use carnal weapons whilst Christians use spiritual weapons such as love, forgiveness, prayer and the word of God.

    Let us be clear, the Bible only allows us to have spiritual enemies, not physical enemies. Satan is our enemy, not Palestinians, not Whites, not Jews, not Blacks etc.

    As a black person in this country who lived under Apartheid, i know what it is to be demonized and regarded as evil and terrorist just for being black.

    I believe in all God s promises for Israel, I know the exceedingly great harvest that Christians and the entire world will realize when Israel is restored.

    As of now notwithstanding my love for Israel ( which the Bible commands ) i know Israel is yet to be restored hence you still dind harassment of Christians including recent spitting on Christians by Orthodox Jews in Israel.
    I also know that the majority of Israel still rejects Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour.

    Otherwise all this is according to God s plan in order for the elect to all over the world to be saved and then Israel shall be saved and Alleluia. Israel remains the apple of God s eye and God will choose them again.

    For example, the prodigal son’s father never stopped loving his son even when he chose to take his inheritance to waste it living a sinful life.
    The father did not support the sinful ways of the son but he still loved the son. Im sure he interceded for the son and believed that one day he would be saved and indeed the son was restored.

    Similarly, my love for Israel doesnt necesarilly mean justifying everything the Israeli Govt does. All the same the Bible doesnt allow me to judge and condemn the Israeli Govt and thankfully we know Israel s restoration is near.

    The killing and taking of hostages of innocent Israeli ,children; mothers and father’s is just as evil as the killing of innocent babies, women and children in Gaza.
    The Bible gives one standard for all it is no respector of persons or nations. Love your neighbor. My neighbor could be a Palestinian, a Jew, a Muslim etc.
    Yes it might be my enemy always planning my downfall.

    The Bible says love them all.
    Lets love and continue to pray for Israel but lets watch out for that religious spirit of bitterness, hate and an eye for an eye.

    If I stoop down to the hatred and bitterness of my enemy as a “Christian” what does it make me?

    The Bible says we do not war as the world does. This means when the world hates, we love, when they persecute we bless. We walk by the Spirit, the opposite Spirit to that of the world actually.

  3. Meanwhile, I am not so naive to know that Satan would like to see Israel destroyed and wiped out of the surface of the earth.

    The reason is simple, Israel is the soil on which the seed for the destruction of Satan s Kingdom and that is where it will finally bear fruit.
    There is no country that bears the testimony of God s existence than Israel and Satan knows that.