Wit, wisdom in God’s house

Seen any funny church notices? Share them with us.

Wit and Wisdom 5[notice]Gateway News came across an article publishing witty signs spotted in front of American churches. This made us wonder whether any of our readers have spotted amusing signs outside churches in their areas — and if you have, we invite you to share them with us — in a comment to this article or by email to news@gatewaynews.co.za[/notice]

Originally published in LifeZette

For years pastors, ministers, and preachers have posted smart, clever, and amusing “messages” for the faithful to read — and we’re not talking about Facebook postings.

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Way before social media was ever created, church signs placed on parish lawns and in parking lots have not only indicated the days and times of worship services and other key information — they’ve shared wit and wisdom from the heart and “soul.”

Some of these messages are so entertaining, they could make your faith hurt.

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Below are a selection of some of the signs included in the article.

A heavenly reminder …

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Guarding your life through the storms

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Great encouragement

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Or for a post game commiseration

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One Comment

  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen


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