Women’s programme parallel to Karoo Mighty Men

Edith Baartman

There will be an opportunity for women to deepen their relationship with the Lord while their husbands are worshipping Him at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) 2012.

Middelburg’s “Vroue Sonder Grense” (Women Without Borders) are a hosting a breakfast conference with popular speaker and bible-school lecturer Edith Baartman on Saturday  April 28, which is the same weekend as the KMMC 2012 is taking place in the Karoo town.

Edith, whose husband, Douglas Baartman will be ministering at the Mighty Men’s Conference, is thrilled to be able to share God’s Word with the women of Middelburg and the wives who will travel with their husbands to the Karoo, but will not be able to attend the men’s conference.

Edith graduated from Fill the Gap Mission College in Johannesburg, where she met her husband, and has a heart for God’s Kingdom, with a strong emphasis on intercession and the prophetic ministry.

Edith is accountable to Victory Christian Church, Jeffries Bay, which is part of Church of the Nations. She is also affiliated to and teaches for Youth With a Mission International (YWAM).

Local organiser of the breakfast conference, Ruthi van der Merwe, says Edith is a gift to the body of Christ both locally and internationally. She is committed to the community and family life, and her heart is filled with fervour to see woman brought into a place of wholeness and fullness in Christ.

Personal relationship with God
“I encourage women to develop their own personal relationship with God through which they can relate to Him, spend time with Him daily,  serve Him, and be aware of His presence wherever we are and whatever we are thinking, saying or doing, ” says Edith.

She says the occasion is a wonderful opportunity for her to speak to women from many different towns, all in one room so that women can return after the weekend and impact their towns, communities and families.

“It is about making a difference for God in whatever sector of society they stand in, from being a good mother, wife, church and community member, to businesswoman, doctor or teacher.

“We are called to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ wherever we are; to impact on whatever situation we find ourselves in by reflecting Him and representing Him for God’s glory.

“We are called, as ordinary woman, to be extraordinary people through the Holy Spirit.”

Edith says if the heart of a woman is touched it is special, because women are so great in their influence through their families extending to their communities.

“Women are able to reconcile people and bring them together, because of their heart for the unity of the family, and communities are made up of families.”

She says it is right and good that women serve, pray, and are excited for the Mighty Men when they come to Middelburg, and release their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers to attend the conference, but they should not forget that inside of them there is a Mighty Woman.

Women can register for the event at reservations@karooherberg.com,  fax 049 842 4236, phone 049 842 1384 or cell  082 857 7839. The registration fee of R70 includes breakfast and tea. Registration closes on April 15.

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