Zambia conference will seek integrated response to human trafficking in Africa

zambialogoDelegates at next week’s Africa Regional Consultation of Micah Network in Livingstone, Zambia, will explore ways to raise awareness, and develop integrated responses to the massive problem of human trafficking in Africa.

The five-day Integral Mission and Freedom conference from Monday, September 8 to Friday, September 12 will focus on human trafficking, forced labour, other forms of exploitation, and gender-based violence.

Three South Africans will be speaking and running workshops at the conference. They are Major Margaret Stafford, National coordinator Salvation Army Anti Human Trafficking Board; Corinne Sandenbergh, director of Stop (Stop Trafficking of Persons) and Dr Beatri Kruger, of the Department of Criminal and Medical Law, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein.

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Topics covered at the conference will include:

Day one — Identifying the problem
Day two —  Exploring methods of prevention
Day three — our role in protecting victims/ potential victims
Day four — The process of prosecution and justice
Day five — The way ahead:  Opportunities for partnership.

More information on the conference is available online.

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