WATCH: Video of the Week: June 4, 2015 — Flocks don orange to support Middle East Christians

Originally published in Fox News

Orange is the new color for Sundays, as the movement to wear the color either in clothing or on ribbons – to raise attention to the Christians executed by ISIS.

The trend was popularized by several Christian leaders, including Catholic writer Rey Flores, who declared ‘Orange is the New Color of Martyrdom’ in an article for The Wanderer.  Flores has worked to draw attention to the #orangejumpsuit project run by Rev. Patrick Mahoney, who leads the Church on the Hill in Washington, D.C.

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Pastor Frank Bolella, of Living Word Community Church, in Dumont, N.J., said his church is participating because the campaign is a good way to get parishioners talking about persecution of Christians.

“Americans need to be aware first of all what is happening,” he said.

One congregant, John Estrada, said wearing orange made him feel like he was taking action.

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“The reason why I am wearing an orange shirt is to represent the Christian brothers and sisters that are being persecuted,” Estrada said.

Lydia O’Leary, of Ribbons for Rescue, aims to encourage people to call on lawmakers to provide more financial assistance for Christian refugees in the Middle East and offer them safe havens in the U.S. Her group advocates Christians wear orange every day to draw more attention to Christian prisoners persecuted for their religion.

 “We call on people to wear orange daily,” O’Leary told It says “we’re standing with you on this—you’re not alone.”

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