The Case For Christ — Movie Review

Harryette Holland-Muter, left and  Andri Williams at the pre-screening event in Pretoria. (PHOTO: Nichelle Steyn).

Movie Review by Nichelle Steyn

Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 (AMP)

We all know the bible is filled with promises, but little do we know the power of just one verse. Lesley Strobel, the wife of renowned Christian writer, Lee Strobel, found hope in the above words of Ezekiel when her then-atheist husband was struggling with questions of faith.

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The heart-warming and inspiring testament of Lee’s struggle to comprehend who God is, sold more than 14 million copies worldwide, as a best-selling book, The case For Christ.

Lee’s powerful testimony of how he changed from being a headstrong atheist to becoming a devoted Christian is told on the big screen in the movie, The Case For Christ.

I was part of an invited audience that joined CMD Entertainment Africa for a pre-screening on Wednesday night last week at the Brooklyn Mall Ster Kinekor.

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Lucy Mononyane, left, and Renecia Farro at the pre-screening of The Case For Christ. {PHOTO: Nichelle Steyn}.

I must admit I haven’t read Lee’s bestselling book but I had heard of the acclaimed writer, so his personal story was a bit of a surprise to me.

Not knowing his full testimony, in a way, enabled me to feel Lee’s struggles to find God particularly intensely.

The movie was not made to be the next Hollywood blockbuster but nonetheless it is beautifully constructed and keeps you on the edge of your seat, as you see award-winning investigative journalist Lee, using all of his skills to try and disprove God’s existence.

It is a faith-strengthening, must-see movie for any bible-abiding Christian — and an altar call to those still seeking God.

The movie provides a true reflection of a marriage that is unequally yoked and shows the struggles of a woman who wants to share the greatest experience of her life, with the love of her life, but comes up against his anger and rebellious spirit towards God.

It a situation that many of us can identify with — we all have such a friend, who we as Christians want so deeply to share our faith with.

The Case For Christ, which opens in cinemas on June 15 is an all-around great movie, and the DVD, when it comes out, will be one to add to your Christian movie collection — and to show to your atheist friend when the time is right.

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