But God…


I guess that’s a funny title for an article on the South African elections.

But I believe it speaks volumes. And for that reason I will keep this commentary short and sweet. Yes — sweet, so don’t let the first few paragraphs depress you so much that you read no further. (Also — there is some insightful comment at the end, by Dr Arno van Niekerk, that arrived as I concluded my article. So keep on reading!).

It is right on deadline for me to get this article out — and at this moment 65% of the results are in and from a Christian perspective they are not looking like what I had hoped for or expected. The ACDP looks on track to improve slightly on its results of 2014. The combined votes of the three new Christian-values parties look unlikely to be worth a single seat.

So it seems that the valiant few ACDP MPs will once again bear the burden of resisting a growing attack on religious freedom and family values for the good of all our people. They should, at least, get some support on Christian value issues from the FF+, which like its “arch enemy”, the EFF, appear to be making the highest proportional gains this election. Seems like the “tough-talk guys” are having their day.

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Enough of that. By the time you read this you will have been exposed to more comprehensive results and analyses.

From a Christian perspective, there have been massive gains this year. There has been a seismic surge in prayer and fasting and Kingdom collaboration around a vision of establishing a righteous nation. The spiritual atmosphere of our nation was surely shifted by the outpouring of worship around the country before and during the elections. And I believe that solid foundations have been put in place to keep this momentum moving forward.

The Election Burn at Word of Faith Christian Centre, Port Elizabeth, where believers united in continuous worship and prayer from 7pm on Tuesday to 7pm on Wednesday.

I believe God has confirmed through prophetic voices that it is time for Kingdom righteousness to prevail in South Africa.

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He surely heard our prayers.ย He just hasn’t answered them in the way I — and perhaps you — expected.

But God….

He is good and faithful and mighty. Let us keep our eyes on Him. Let us pray for all leaders. Let us serve well, and love well, wherever we are. Let us rest confidently in the victory Jesus won for us on the cross. And let us represent Him well.

This is a good season.

Dr Arno van Niekerk.

But just as I wrote that last sentence I received a late voice message from Dr Arno van Niekerk, in response to an earlier request for comment. Van Nierkerk has been one of the leaders in pre-election mobilisation of Christians around a shared vision for a righteous SA. Here is his response:ย “The shifts that took place in the elections show that the nation is ready for change — and the outcomes could be seen coming through in some of the results, especially the Christian voice coming through in a number of parties. Even the Freedom Front Plus, with them having a huge move forward and having Christian principles — I think that was one of the major motivations for people voting for them.

“I think the great awakening has reflected in the ACDP, and a number of parties — maybe the ATM as well — coming through. For me, it is so encouraging to see that there is already a slight shift taking place. And we know that the spiritual dynamic is always first and only later on, the physical evidence is shown.

“So, I believe the great awakening has begun and it is only the beginning of God doing something special in the nation. And in a small way, it is showing in the elections but people should not lose heart. They should really just keep their eye on Jesus and know that this awakening of God’s people can’t be stopped. Even though one can’t fully see it in the elections, it will be seen going forward — as people become less politicised in their thinking and more attuned to the Word of God, and the importance of biblical values in our governance system.

“Maybe it also reflects that there are changes needed in our electoral system itself. I believe there is a significant amount of uncertainty for some people that not one of the parties draws them that much. That also shows there is a need for independents — a need for leaders representing people directly. I think by the next election there will be significant changes in that regard, for the good, so there can be more accountability, so that people can be directly represented in public office — especially in parliament.”

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  1. Debbie Hardman

    Amen, great awakening indeed. ???
    I’m grateful to be part of this moment in His-story!!! ??

  2. Joan Keeling

    It has really been exciting to see the Church in SA standing together in prayer.

    The Lord seems to have used these SA Elections to bring Christian believers into greater unity, nationally!

    There certainly has been a shift to greater unity and a stirring – an awakening – in the Body of Christ at this time!
    Let us not lose the spiritual ground that we have gained. Let us keep on keeping on!

  3. Thank you Andre. Yes God has brought about a unity among believers in a way that could not be imagined. But God speaks volumes as you say. Ephesians 2:4 But because of His great love for us God who is rich in mercy……….May we fix our eyes on Him, not on man, horses or chariots.

  4. David Melvill

    Unfortunately Christians do not vote their hopes, they vote their fears. As a result the ACDP battles to get Christains to vote for them. Christians’ behaviour reveals sadly that they rather vote for the strong opposition (The DA) to oppose the ANC, than vote for a godly party that will represent their Christian beliefs.

    Since the existence of the ACDP formed in 1994, they have struggled to attrack 2% of the vote. Nothing changes in each election, be not deceived.

    Is it not time that a leader unites all small parties that strive for Christian values?

  5. Let us now ask God for the right people to be put into the new government

  6. Maybe a change in leadership might be the answer…