Sabbath School Songs — 15 Classic Christian Songs for Kids: Review


This is a delightful DVD with visuals of happy animated young children singing, dancing and doing various actions.

Each song has been done in a different setting and includes cutaways to other visuals. The overall impact is one of beauty and joy.

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Subtitles allow you to sing along and I thoroughly enjoyed singing all the delightful classics (Jesus Loves the Little Children, I’ve Got Peace Like a River, Down in My Heart, to name just a few) to my baby grandson. (It put him to sleep!)

On this particular DVD there are 15 classic Christian songs as well as a bonus feature of 10 more songs — one each from other DVD song collections in the Cedarmont Kids range. Personally, I am looking forward to many years of sharing these happy and well rendered songs with grandchildren. In fact, I may also have some private sing-a-longs sans children – such is the appeal of these simple songs, delightful children and beautiful settings!

(This collection is also available is CD. Both the DVD and CD have split-track options).

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