WATCH: ‘Shift took place’ as praying leaders put nation before parties

Leaders at a prayer meeting in Johannesburg last Saturday, are, from the left, Bishop Dalton Adams (ACDP), Bishop Lazarus Maumela (ANC), Mosiuoa Lekota (COPE), Mmusi Maimane (DA), Dr Mpho Phalatse (DA), Brian Mahalti (Christian Political Movement). SEE VIDEOS of the prayer event at the bottom of this page.

Janet-Brann Hollis, of SA Back to God, reports for Gateway News on a historic prayer gathering at Victory Sandton Church, Johannesburg last Saturday evening.

Dr Arno van Niekerk, founder of the Christian Consensus in SA initiative, opened the evening in prayer, welcoming everyone.

Janet Brann Hollis, of SA Back To God, followed with a word about brotherhood, encouraging the leaders not to look at themselves through political eyes but rather as brothers.

Robyn Stewart, a powerful psalmist, then sang a song called There is hope in our future to bring restoration to our land. The presence of God was tangible.

Dr Pearl Kupe, a leader of Kingdom Nation initiative, then prayed about violence in the land, making several powerful declarations about SA being a country free of violence.

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Representatives of each attending party were then called to pray for the elections — and against violence at this time. An amazing unity was formed among the leaders as they stood together for peace and a better South Africa.

DA leader Mmusi Maimane ended the prayers by repenting on behalf of South Africans who had promoted colonialism, racism, tribalism and all forms of division. He also repented on behalf of political leaders for putting their parties ahead of the nation.

People in the congregation came forward and read prophetic words for the nation, particularly focusing on Isaiah 58, reflecting on the fast of Isaiah 58

Each politician was anointed with oil, and they were released into their offices for service and covered with prayers of protection over themselves and their families.

The Spirit of God was tangible as each party member embraced one another as friendships were formed.

We left knowing that a nation can be formed in a day.

God looked down from heaven and smiled on us. It was an awesome experience of brothers coming together for one night. putting their political differences aside and focusing on the nation. A shift truly took place in our midst.



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  1. Heavenly Father,Let Your will be done in Heaven and earth, as in our country, in the Mighty Name of JESUS !!! Amen …

  2. IN YESHUA/Jesus’s Love may the Ruach HA KADOSH/HOLY SPIRIT..Flow over the Nation of AFRICA,SOUTH AFRICA’S people who will humble themselves before YAHWEH ELOHIM-GOD of Abraham,Isaac and Yacob- casting out all racism,hate,murder,desegregation..turning their minds and spirit to HIS calling,of Love and submission to HIS WORD-BRINGING BACK the GOD of ALL NATIONS INTO THE Constitution of South Africa,including JESUS the Messiah/YESHUA Ha Masiach- that which was removed- for Unto a Nation that turns its back on HIM,HE shall turn HIS back on them! 2 Chronicles 7:14- Amein/Amen

  3. May our Father in Heaven answer these prayers to the glory of His mighty Name!!

  4. Barbara Wayman

    Yes Almighty God and Heavenly Father: we wait and watch with excited expectation to see what YOU will do on May 8th. We KNOW that You have heard the prayers of thousands of Your children across the nation praying for Your will to be done – for South Africa to be the nation on earth now as it IS in heaven. Glorify Your name as You show up and show off ! We thank, praise and worship You ABBA Father, Jesus King of Kings and blessed Holy Spirit. Thank You for accepting our repentance , forgiving us and blessing this land for Your purposes. Hallelujah